#linuxcnc | Logs for 2012-07-23

[00:00:06] <Tom_itx> it looked like the shizzle
[00:00:15] <tjb1> You have the link?
[00:00:18] <Tom_itx> seriously you should ask him
[00:00:19] <Tom_itx> no
[00:00:50] <tjb1> Ill try to remember
[00:00:54] <Tom_itx> the belt layed flat across the side and was driven by an interlocking belt
[00:01:05] <Tom_itx> it looked pretty cool
[00:01:12] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:01:15] <Tom_itx> gotta be cheaper than ground rack
[00:01:33] <tjb1> I dont need ground
[00:02:18] <tjb1> But it is looking like moore gear is the best
[00:02:33] <tjb1> I called a boston gear supplier and they wanted like $120 for a 6' piece
[00:03:11] <tjb1> I would make it myself but the school doesnt really have anything big enough to do a sizable piece on
[00:04:21] -!- Nick001 [Nick001!~Nick001@] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:04:24] -!- cmorley [cmorley!~chris@S010600c09fc019c2.no.shawcable.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:08:50] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop you around?
[00:14:19] <Tom_itx> http://bell-everman.com/products/linear-positioning/servobelt-linear-sbl
[00:14:22] <Tom_itx> and he left
[00:25:47] -!- geo01005_ [geo01005_!~chatzilla@63-248-116-228.static.ogdl0101.digis.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:28:37] -!- geo01005 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[00:56:03] <gmagno> erm... what's the relation between the reference voltage and the sense resistor in a stepper motor driver?
[00:56:15] <gmagno> how should I set that ref voltage?
[00:57:00] <gmagno> imagine, for a 0.05ohm resistor and a max ref voltage of 5V
[00:57:02] <Tom_itx> the data sheet should give you some indication
[00:57:06] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[00:57:20] <gmagno> I'm digging a lot
[00:57:23] <gmagno> really
[00:57:40] <gmagno> in the datasheet as well
[00:57:56] <Tom_itx> i don't have a better answer
[00:58:18] <jdh> a .05ohm resistor?
[00:58:28] <gmagno> jdh, yes
[00:59:10] <gmagno> that's the sense resistor used in those pololu drivers (A4988)
[00:59:30] -!- Valen [Valen!~Valen@c122-108-45-139.blktn6.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:59:32] <gmagno> the thing is, I don't want to burn anything, so I'm a bit worried about the ref voltage
[01:00:29] <gmagno> they say I should tune this ref voltage in order to get the right current to the motors
[01:01:08] <jdh> With Pololus, the sensing resistors are Rs=0.05 ohm, so a Vref of 0.4 should produce a maximum current of 0.4/(8*0.05)=1A
[01:01:44] <gmagno> jdh, why 8 times?
[01:02:20] <jdh> Per the A4988 datasheet [[1]], the calculation for the maximum trip current is: I_TripMax= Vref/(8*Rs)
[01:03:14] <gmagno> would it be too much abuse to ask which page?
[01:03:31] <jdh> page 9, middle left column
[01:03:35] <gmagno> =D
[01:04:26] <jdh> or, lmgtfy.
[01:04:33] <gmagno> jdh, thank you a lot, really
[01:04:39] <gmagno> no thanks :)
[01:05:04] <jdh> <- mad g00gl3 sk11lz
[01:07:14] <gmagno> :)
[01:10:14] <jdh> I got that from the first hit for "pololu drivers (A4988) sense resistor"
[01:10:55] <gmagno> damn you're good
[01:10:56] <gmagno> :)
[01:11:10] <jdh> and I just won this! http://www.ebay.com/itm/190702461301
[01:12:04] <gmagno> no way!
[01:12:08] <Tom_itx> winning indicates you got something for free
[01:12:31] -!- zzolo has quit [Quit: zzolo]
[01:12:49] <gmagno> Tom_itx, has point in that
[01:12:51] <jdh> I just wanted the motor. I can resell the other parts for more than the bid price.
[01:12:51] <gmagno> :)
[01:13:03] <Tom_itx> 12v?
[01:13:06] <Tom_itx> 24v?
[01:13:14] <jdh> 24vdc, 16amp
[01:13:22] <Tom_itx> nice
[01:14:13] <jdh> with full load anyway. It's a really nice motor for the application.
[01:15:38] <r00t4rd3d> what are you going to do with the motor?
[01:15:53] <jdh> I have a dead one in another scooter
[01:19:01] <ReadError> r00t4rd3d, wheres the joker foo
[01:19:15] <jdh> did you get the clamps CAMed?
[01:19:16] <Connor> jdh What's the application?
[01:19:32] <jdh> connor: underwater scooter
[01:19:38] <Connor> Ah.
[01:20:38] <jdh> I have my 'real' one and parts for three others I've been accumulating. Those parts give me enough to rebuild all three.
[01:26:53] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:30:46] <r00t4rd3d> ReadError, it didnt turn out too well
[01:30:57] <r00t4rd3d> i used the wrong bit to rough it in
[01:31:46] -!- grogan [grogan!~grogan@ip72-197-232-30.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:32:31] -!- zzolo has quit [Quit: zzolo]
[01:44:32] -!- grogan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:15:31] -!- GH-12341 [GH-12341!~gerhard@p4FEB4E71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:18:44] <r00t4rd3d> ReadError, I have a new joker I am going to try though :
[02:18:46] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/Xw0XX.jpg
[02:18:54] -!- tjb1 [tjb1!~tjb1@139.sub-174-255-49.myvzw.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:19:39] <Tom_itx> ever try one in acrylic?
[02:19:58] <Tom_itx> run a strip of leds along the edge
[02:20:05] -!- GH-12341 has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[02:25:20] <gmagno> I'm sad... :-/ I'm trying to drive one of my stepper motors (NEMA17) with an A4984 pololu driver, but no success :-(( I've already done wiring check, conductivity tests with ohmmeter... what would you guys suggest? You know, something like a step by step procedure
[02:26:19] <jdh> power it up and try manually stepping it?
[02:26:19] <Valen> seen if the driver is putting anything out?
[02:26:33] <jdh> do the motors lock in when you power it?
[02:26:57] <gmagno> i'm gonna try the lock thing, seems easy to test
[02:28:20] <gmagno> jdh by lock you mean hard to rotate or really stuck?
[02:28:27] <jdh> really stuck
[02:28:38] <jdh> unless it is really low power
[02:29:16] <Valen> spin it before
[02:29:16] -!- tjb1 has quit [Quit: tjb1]
[02:29:18] <Valen> apply power
[02:29:21] <Valen> then try and spin it
[02:29:28] <gmagno> this is a NEMA 17 1.68A max, and I configured Vref to 0.4V which means 1A max
[02:29:38] <gmagno> I've done that, it rotates
[02:29:43] <gmagno> it is hard to rotate
[02:29:58] <gmagno> hard like if you shunt one of the coils manually
[02:30:01] <Valen> is it harder than with no power?
[02:30:06] <gmagno> not really
[02:30:07] <Valen> it should go clunk clunk
[02:30:17] <Valen> your driver isn't putting any power out would be my guess
[02:30:19] <jdh> do they get warm at all when powered on?
[02:30:24] <gmagno> what is clunk clunk?
[02:30:29] <jdh> cogging
[02:30:30] <Valen> put a multimeter on the output you should see voltage
[02:30:36] <gmagno> jdh it gets hot
[02:30:56] <Valen> if you have applied power and try to turn it it should be quite hard to turn and jump between steps
[02:31:00] <gmagno> Valen, what output? motor coil=
[02:31:01] <gmagno> ?
[02:31:22] <Valen> the driver to the motor
[02:33:52] <gmagno> 0V :-(((
[02:34:04] <jdh> then how are they hot?
[02:34:39] <gmagno> jdh, the driver is hot
[02:34:53] <gmagno> not the motors
[02:35:03] <gmagno> the motor, I'm just driving one
[02:35:03] <jdh> oh. Are you sure the motor phases are hooked up correctly?
[02:35:24] <gmagno> jdh, checking again
[02:37:05] <gmagno> I'm sure they are well connected
[02:37:13] <gmagno> I mean the pairs
[02:37:22] <gmagno> the coils have no polarity
[02:37:25] <gmagno> right?
[02:37:30] <jdh> right, but they are paired
[02:37:39] <gmagno> sure
[02:40:37] <Valen> shouldn't get hot if its not driving anything
[02:40:47] <Valen> sure you have the power supply polarity correct?
[02:41:30] <gmagno> sure, look at this mess: http://bambuser.com/v/2849218
[02:42:10] -!- demacus [demacus!~demacus@erft-d932f57b.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:42:40] <gmagno> :-(
[02:42:48] <gmagno> polarity is correct
[02:43:49] <Tom_itx> you know, breadboarding isn't the best
[02:44:00] <Tom_itx> lots of times you get loose connections on the board
[02:44:14] <jdh> and shitty jumper wires
[02:44:20] <Tom_itx> make sure that's not the case
[02:44:42] <Tom_itx> more times than not that has been a problem
[02:45:22] <Valen> disconnect everything
[02:45:24] -!- demacus_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[02:45:46] <Valen> connect the step/dir pins to power or ground or whatever they are sposed to be
[02:45:53] <Valen> look at the outputs
[02:45:58] <Valen> (with no motor connected)
[02:46:14] <gmagno> Valen, can I do that?
[02:46:24] <Valen> do what?
[02:46:39] <gmagno> drive open pin
[02:46:54] <gmagno> i mean, "drive"
[02:47:02] <gmagno> ok
[02:47:05] <gmagno> gonna try that
[02:47:11] <Valen> yeah that should be fine
[02:47:17] <Valen> inputs you cant let floar
[02:47:20] <Valen> float
[02:51:50] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[02:53:35] <gmagno> Valen, sorry for asking again, but this is what I have currently wired: http://www.ebay.com/itm/280877891763?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 including enable is grounded, reset and sleep to VDD. SHould I disconnect the motors and check the driver (motors) outputs?
[02:54:14] <Valen> i dont know the details of your specific board
[02:54:23] <Valen> I'm just saying how you can work out whats going on
[02:54:31] <Valen> break the problem down into individual steps
[02:54:46] <Valen> you can test the motor with a AA battery across a coil
[02:55:02] <Valen> but don't have it connected to the driver at the time obviously lol
[02:55:31] -!- i_tarzan has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[02:55:35] -!- i_tarzan_ [i_tarzan_!~i_tarzan@] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:55:36] <gmagno> :) im not that dumb
[02:56:52] <gmagno> im doinbg it
[02:59:08] <gmagno> yup it's working
[02:59:13] <Valen> what is?
[02:59:24] <gmagno> the motor with battery
[02:59:28] <gmagno> AA battery
[02:59:35] <gmagno> motor should be fine
[02:59:42] <Valen> you can feel the "lumpy" nature of it?
[03:00:03] <gmagno> er... I can see the shaft moving a tiny bit
[03:00:24] <Valen> try and spin the shaft
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[03:01:53] -!- draig has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:02:01] <gmagno> yeah
[03:02:06] <gmagno> it's really really stuck
[03:02:20] <gmagno> no way i can move it
[03:02:23] -!- draig [draig!~appleman4@71-81-192-214.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:02:32] <Valen> thats good
[03:02:36] <Valen> thats how its sposed to be
[03:02:49] <Valen> if you did push hard enough you would spin it ;->
[03:02:57] <Valen> but don't bother trying lol
[03:03:23] <gmagno> I'm a 2,00m tall guy, I could not move it... :P
[03:03:29] <gmagno> lol
[03:04:08] <Valen> I'm 5'10" I legpress 320kg, ;-P
[03:04:34] <gmagno> :D
[03:05:22] <gmagno> ok, motor is in good conditions. Should I leave it disconnected from the driver for now?
[03:05:29] <Valen> yeah
[03:05:45] <Valen> you were using a battery for that test yes?
[03:05:58] <gmagno> yup, two 1.2 AA in series
[03:06:18] <Valen> ahh that explains it
[03:06:27] <Valen> using just 1 you could probably spin it
[03:07:04] <gmagno> wait, the test you mention is this test I've done now to check if the motor is working
[03:07:12] <Valen> yeah
[03:07:15] <gmagno> ah ok
[03:07:16] <gmagno> :)
[03:08:07] <gmagno> im just 100Kg, I need the other 100Kg for the second battery :P
[03:08:45] <gmagno> I would need*
[03:09:01] <gmagno> ok, what do you suggest now?
[03:09:03] <Valen> it'll go up with a ^2 power
[03:09:19] <Valen> is 2 batteries will be 4 or more times harder than 1
[03:09:29] <Valen> check out the driver
[03:09:30] <gmagno> yay :D
[03:09:49] <Valen> hook it up in a way that it should have an output
[03:09:55] <Valen> see if it meets your expectations
[03:10:14] <gmagno> ok
[03:13:19] <gmagno> nothing in the output... this board needs two power supplys, one is for logic voltages, and im using the arduino 5V, and the other, motors power supply, Im using 12V (enough amps don't know exacly how much)
[03:13:31] <gmagno> with the 5V power supply
[03:13:35] <Tom_itx> are there enable pins on it?
[03:13:46] <gmagno> there is
[03:13:55] <gmagno> it's a negative enable
[03:13:59] <gmagno> I put it to ground
[03:14:16] <Valen> how are you measuring the outputs?
[03:14:28] <gmagno> voltmeter
[03:14:33] <Valen> from what to what
[03:14:53] <gmagno> ah :-o
[03:14:59] <gmagno> arduino gnd
[03:15:03] <gmagno> that's the problem
[03:15:05] <gmagno> right?
[03:15:22] <Valen> wouldn't help
[03:15:29] <gmagno> thought both gnds were connected
[03:15:32] <Valen> measure from one output to the other
[03:15:34] <Valen> they may be
[03:15:36] <Valen> may not
[03:15:39] <gmagno> hmm ok
[03:15:43] <Valen> so measure from /A to A
[03:15:48] <gmagno> ok
[03:15:55] <Valen> do the same for b as well
[03:17:50] <gmagno> nothing
[03:17:52] <gmagno> 0.0
[03:17:55] <gmagno> in both
[03:18:03] <Valen> well theres what you need to debug
[03:18:10] <Valen> read the datasheet and see what it says
[03:19:21] <Valen> by the same token reading 0.0 for output means it shouldn't be getting warm
[03:20:42] <gmagno> dont tell me the boards are burnt... :-/ they cost me about 35€, three of them
[03:21:26] <Valen> is it still warm with the motor disconnected
[03:21:58] <Valen> its not something like your grounds are fighting through it or some other such sillyness?
[03:22:15] <gmagno> yup, temp runs high quickly
[03:22:34] <Valen> how hot does it get?
[03:22:45] <Valen> is it just warm like 40C or is it hot?
[03:23:19] <gmagno> this is burning hot like you can't stand it
[03:23:29] -!- Thetawaves [Thetawaves!~Thetawave@7-139-42-72.gci.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:24:12] <gmagno> should I remaind you I'm a 2meter high dude with 100Kg... ehehe
[03:24:26] <gmagno> remind*
[03:24:46] <Tom_itx> not lookin so good
[03:25:36] <gmagno> could it be somehow related to the potentiometer connected to the Vref that sets the max current?
[03:26:28] <Valen> it shoudn't get that hot
[03:26:33] <Valen> ever
[03:26:58] <gmagno> fuc***
[03:27:08] <gmagno> i can see some black components
[03:27:16] <gmagno> wait
[03:27:20] <Valen> they are often meant to be black
[03:27:21] <gmagno> it was a shadow
[03:27:24] <gmagno> :D
[03:27:48] <Valen> you need to go through very very carefully and check the pinouts of everything
[03:27:55] <Valen> make sure nothing is shorted
[03:28:02] <Valen> you havent got the thing in backwards
[03:29:39] <gmagno> Valen, those are good advices and I really appreciate all the help. And I have no courage to ask for more help (at least for today...)
[03:29:49] <gmagno> thank you very much
[03:29:57] <Valen> 's ok
[03:29:58] <gmagno> i'll give more feednback
[03:29:59] <Valen> beats working
[03:30:10] <Valen> or more correctly raging at idiots
[03:30:12] <Tom_itx> har har
[03:30:51] <gmagno> :)
[03:32:53] <gmagno> 4:32AM here, I should get some sleep. Bye
[03:33:03] -!- gmagno has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[03:54:59] <uw> ugh
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[12:13:38] <r00t4rd3d> jdh, you around? Can you see if you can get this knob to open in Cut2D? It keeps crashing mine, version 1 though.
[12:13:40] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.cambam.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=407.0
[12:13:59] <r00t4rd3d> the bandsaw knob.dxf
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[12:19:18] <jdh> I don't have it installed here. If it doesnt' like the dxf, open in draftsight and resave it as an ascii dxf
[12:20:57] <jdh> I think I'll try making some of those tonight though. Let me know if you redraw it in real units.
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[12:29:54] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:776
[12:29:59] <r00t4rd3d> i need them for those :)
[12:30:52] <jdh> did you get those cut?
[12:31:10] <jdh> the knobs look pretty trivial to redraw anyway.
[12:31:39] <r00t4rd3d> yeah, but i modified it some any removed the small clamps and only did the large ones
[12:31:51] <r00t4rd3d> and removed the holes
[12:32:05] <r00t4rd3d> the holes where just for hanging them up
[12:33:22] <jdh> anyone have any suggestions or methods for generating round-over tool paths with whatever CAM you use? Some easy to remember diameter offsets or something?
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[12:35:41] <r00t4rd3d> there is lots of ascii dxf options to save in
[12:35:57] <r00t4rd3d> i tired the top one and ct2d still crashed :(
[12:36:13] <jdh> try r12 ascii
[12:36:35] <jdh> the new cut2d opens pretty much anything, including dwg's directly.
[12:38:51] <r00t4rd3d> there we go, thanks
[12:39:45] <jdh> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2140
[12:39:52] <jdh> niftier knob.
[12:40:03] <r00t4rd3d> i have no idea how to cut those
[12:40:52] <jdh> cut3d maybe
[12:46:45] <jdh> you suffer teh same fate as most cult members. No individual identity.
[12:47:02] <jdh> <made more sense in the correct channel>
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[15:18:49] <joe9> good vises on mcmaster.com are so expensive. anyone know of a source to get reasonably priced high-quality vises?
[15:18:55] <joe9> for a taig.
[15:19:19] <jdh> shars.com
[15:19:38] <jdh> cdcotools.com
[15:19:50] <joe9> jdh: ok, thanks.
[15:22:35] <joe9> jdh: thanks, those websites have some pretty cheap tools. Are they accurate too? are in the genre of tools that I can get from mcmaster or in the genre of harborfreight, from your experience.
[15:22:46] <joe9> looking at them, they seem to be in the mcmaster cadre.
[15:23:01] <joe9> jdh: thanks a lot for the info.
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[15:23:17] <jdh> for price or quality?
[15:24:17] <jdh> I don't know how to quantify whatever quality you expect. I don't need extreme precision so I go for value.
[15:26:01] <joe9> for quality, I meant. I was checking out the precision tool maker's vise. on mc, it is around $400 and on shars, it is 58$
[15:26:22] <jdh> heh
[15:26:33] <jdh> they probably have a $400 one also
[15:26:40] <jdh> do you need a $400 vise for a taig?
[15:27:28] <joe9> http://www.shars.com/products/view/114/Precision_Toolmakers_Vise_4quot
[15:27:47] <joe9> jdh: no, I am trying to mill pcb's with 10 mil clearances.
[15:28:02] <joe9> so, I just need something that can help me hold the workpiece.
[15:28:11] <syyl> those screwless vises give you the most vise for the money
[15:28:36] <joe9> I tried milling a fixture to hold the workpiece, but, unfortunately, the raw pcb's are not exactly 4inchx6inch. they are a little bit off in measurements.
[15:28:44] <jdh> that 4" one looks almost identical to the 3" one I got from cdco
[15:28:59] <syyl> ah, milling pcbs?
[15:29:03] <syyl> double side tape :)
[15:30:29] <joe9> syyl: but, for drilling. double sided tape is not of much help, as I might drill into the table.
[15:30:40] <syyl> be a bit creative
[15:30:41] <joe9> i am doing both milling + drilling of pcb's.
[15:30:50] <jdh> I saw someone had an Al. jig with the center cut out, and a stepped ledge with edge clamps to hold the pcb on the ledge. It indexed on pins I think
[15:30:54] <syyl> use a piece of something
[15:31:00] <syyl> machine it flat on the mill
[15:31:16] <syyl> and then stick the pcb to it..
[15:31:17] -!- tjb1 [tjb1!~tjb1@134.sub-174-231-5.myvzw.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:31:34] <jdh> milling pcb's seems to always lead to disappointment.
[15:31:54] <syyl> i just went over to outsource pcb making :D
[15:32:03] <jdh> anyone make an inkjet kind of flat plotter that prints in copper?
[15:32:38] <syyl> make the layout, send it to the pcb service, wait a few days, get a highly professional double sided pcb..
[15:32:41] <jdh> I don't think a vise is useful for milling pcbs?
[15:32:43] <syyl> couldnt be happier :D
[15:33:14] <jdh> I need some screwless vise clamps
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[15:38:14] <tjb1> That cost quite a bit of money syyl
[15:38:22] <syyl> sure
[15:38:26] <tjb1> Most require you to order 4-5-10 boards
[15:38:28] <syyl> but i get the quality i want
[15:38:52] <tjb1> And if you do order 1 board, its expensive
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[15:44:42] <tjb1> I love when a person cant just quote you something....
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[15:46:29] <tjb1> hi Tom_itx
[15:46:54] <Tom_itx> power burped
[15:47:31] <jdh> tjb1: I could quote you some shakespeare if you like.
[15:47:38] <tjb1> Nah
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[15:49:48] <tjb1> "Oh is this for a cnc router thing?" Yeah… "There is someone else who handles that, I will have to have them call you."
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[15:51:02] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, got the spindle rpm working
[15:51:15] <Tom_itx> i used the encoder output signal though instead of the spindle
[15:51:29] <Tom_itx> not sure what the difference is
[15:51:47] <Jymmm> tjb1: since you're just whining again, I'll toss in my "favorites"... "Where are you calling from? Earth", "What is the company name? Does it matter"
[15:52:19] <tjb1> I dont play your game Jymmm
[15:52:34] <Tom_itx> what game does he play?
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[16:04:50] <joe9> any thoughts on this? http://www.harborfreight.com/42-piece-machinist-clamping-kit-90752.html vs http://www.harborfreight.com/58-piece-combination-step-block-and-clamp-set-3-8-eighth-inch-16-nc-studs-1-2-half-inch-clamps-5952.html
[16:05:52] <Jymmm> iirc I think the differecne is the stud size
[16:06:03] <jdh> yep, get whichever one fits.
[16:06:04] <Tom_itx> isn't it always?
[16:06:14] <jdh> shars, cdco sell them also
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[16:06:52] <Jymmm> meric --> http://www.harborfreight.com/42-piece-machinist-clamping-kit-90752.html
[16:06:55] <Jymmm> metric
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[16:07:15] <Jymmm> mixed metric
[16:07:43] <Tom_itx> all with M10 X 1.500 Thread
[16:07:52] <Jymmm> RTFMs to see the differences =)
[16:07:53] <Tom_itx> on the first link
[16:07:57] -!- BenceKovi11110 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:08:00] <Tom_itx> x actly
[16:08:30] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[16:08:40] <Jymmm> M10 X 1.500 Thread Studs
[16:08:54] <Tom_itx> ^^
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[16:10:32] <Jymmm> 3/8" == 0.375" ~= 9.55mm
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[16:10:59] <Jymmm> 10mm == 0.3937"
[16:11:50] <Tom_itx> won't quite interchange ehh?
[16:12:26] <Jymmm> well, 3/8 tad smaller, more pieces, cheaper price.
[16:12:29] <syyl> use the force!
[16:12:44] <Tom_itx> 8 or 10lb?
[16:12:55] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: newtons
[16:14:31] <Jymmm> could a 1 ton arbor press "flatten" a 1/8" SS rod
[16:14:43] <Tom_itx> i doubt it
[16:14:55] <Jymmm> 10ton? 20ton?
[16:14:58] <Tom_itx> how flat?
[16:15:29] <Tom_itx> a 12oz framing hammer would though
[16:15:30] <Jymmm> just a flat in the middle wide enough to drill a hole
[16:15:51] <Jymmm> to attach a lanyard to it
[16:15:52] <Tom_itx> a strike would do better than steady force
[16:16:01] -!- skunkworks_ [skunkworks_!~skunkwork@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:16:07] <Jymmm> ah
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[16:17:04] <Tom_itx> how much force per sq in do you apply if you stand on your big toe?
[16:17:12] <Tom_itx> yet it won't do much damage
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[16:17:38] <jdh> joe9: http://littlemachineshop.com/products/product_view.php?ProductID=3763&category=
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[16:23:26] -!- educa [educa!b276178f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:25:36] <educa> Hi, I have a question about jitter. I'm working with steppers on my machine and max jitter is around 25000. Based on my config, linuxcnc says I can have max 25000kHz steprate. But.... what would happen when suddenly (maybe after 30 minutes of working) I get a one time jitter of 30000 ? Would the stepper then miss steps or would I just see a little timing problem in my stepper step signals (being that the stepsignal will take around
[16:26:38] <Jymmm> I think you would get a "Following Error" (FERROR)
[16:27:05] <educa> which is?
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[16:28:10] <Jymmm> educa: dont use ONBOARD video, disbale (if any) and use a video card. Disable everything in the BIOS you don't need (serial ports, hdd controllers, etc)
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[16:28:30] <Jymmm> Thos may help reduce the latency
[16:28:52] <educa> I understand but problem is the board I use has onboard video and no agp or pcie slots
[16:28:54] <Tom_itx> yeah and what's that multi core setting in the bios about again?
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[16:29:17] <Tom_itx> hyperthreading
[16:29:18] <cncjerry> anybody home?
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[16:29:44] <cncjerry> does linuxcnc support what used to be called maxnc wave drive?
[16:29:55] <Jymmm> educa: then get/use a different mobo if you want to reduce latency. It's your only option.
[16:29:56] <cncjerry> this is a non step direction interface
[16:29:59] <educa> I do have a pci card lying around which seems to give image, but then ubuntu boots into a videomode my display doesn't seem to understand
[16:30:31] <skunkworks_> cncjerry, the software step generator can do quite a few patterns.
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[16:30:35] <skunkworks_> wave is one of them
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[16:30:39] <cncjerry> I use Mach3 on this lathe and want to convert it but don't know how to setup the wave drive
[16:30:54] <cncjerry> is there a setup example or option?
[16:31:22] <cncjerry> I use step / direction on my mills
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[16:32:30] <skunkworks_> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.5/html/man/man9/stepgen.9.html
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[16:36:07] <cncjerry> is there a configuration tool that will spit all this out? I have the mach3 config that will give me all the pins
[16:36:40] <pcw_home> wave drive would be stepgen mode 2 (quadrature)
[16:37:03] <cncjerry> I would have thought it would have been mod 6 or 9 maybe'
[16:37:23] <cncjerry> I use 4 pins per motor, I think
[16:37:35] <cncjerry> I run 4 axis
[16:38:01] <cncjerry> so I run 4 axis on one parallel port that is
[16:38:05] <cncjerry> I think that is the max
[16:38:21] <pcw_home> Yeah if you have 4 pins per axis its one of the higher numbered ones
[16:38:55] <cncjerry> I am going to have to find a config somewhere that someone with Maxnc might have used to convert
[16:39:34] <pcw_home> depending on full or 1/2 stepping and drive arrangement
[16:40:05] <cncjerry> when i first got into CNC, I used a Maxnc driver kit on a small sherline mill. I then designed and built my own high current drivers for my lathe and used their software with wave drive
[16:40:13] <cncjerry> then converted to Mach3
[16:40:17] <joe9> jdh: thanks for that link.
[16:40:28] <cncjerry> mach3 supports it from the config screen
[16:40:39] <pcw_home> do you have the drive specs?
[16:40:58] <cncjerry> I am pretty sure they are half stepping
[16:41:09] <pcw_home> unipolar/bipolar?
[16:41:24] <cncjerry> they are unipolar but can be wired either way
[16:41:30] <cncjerry> I am using unipolar
[16:41:48] <cncjerry> they are 6amp per phase
[16:41:53] <pcw_home> ok so type 9
[16:42:34] <cncjerry> agree, type 9. now I just need an example on how to define the pins and steps per rev count
[16:43:07] <cncjerry> I am pretty sure they are 400 steps then in half would be 800 per rev with a 1/20 lead screw
[16:43:21] <pcw_home> 1/2 step is 400 steps/rev
[16:44:09] <cncjerry> that is probly right now that I think of it since I remember seeing 8000 in the mach3 screen which would be 20 x 400
[16:44:15] <pcw_home> so output scale is 8000 wit 1/20 (inch
[16:45:16] -!- syyl_ws [syyl_ws!~sg@p4FD159D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:45:20] <pcw_home> the stepconf GUI should be able to do most of this if you prefer it to text configs
[16:45:45] <cncjerry> Ill probly use stepconf then take the output and modify it.
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[16:58:54] <IchGuckLive> Hi all
[17:02:33] <educa> can you force ubuntu 10.04 lts to boot to a command line (non windows like) prompt to troubleshoot gfx card?
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[17:03:43] <psha> select 'single user mode' in grub
[17:03:44] <psha> for example
[17:03:54] <psha> or just select appropriate runlevel
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[17:06:10] <IchGuckLive> F6 at sturtup menue
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[17:21:26] <jthornton> cncjerry, do you have the mack3 xml file?
[17:25:09] <jthornton> if it fits within the stepconf wizard limits I can directly convert the file to linuxcnc
[17:29:42] <pcw_home> Does stepconf allow selection of all the stepgen modes?
[17:29:45] <IchGuckLive> someone has seen thias open CAM projekt
[17:29:48] <IchGuckLive> http://www.cnc-toolkit.com/
[17:30:17] <IchGuckLive> it maybe can converted to free Blender3D as it uses the open max3d gender
[17:31:18] <JT-Shop> pcw_home: I don't think so
[17:33:20] <pcw_home> Yeah its probably a lot of work for a small audience
[17:33:40] <JT-Shop> whats that?
[17:34:05] <pcw_home> support for the odd-ball step types in the GUI
[17:34:26] <pcw_home> since they need varying numbers of pins
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[17:36:28] <JT-Shop> yea, I see what you mean
[17:37:17] <JT-Shop> in any case I have a python program to convert mack3 xml files to stepconf if anyone needs that
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[17:43:55] <Jymmm> The bigger question is: Why?
[17:44:09] <Jymmm> ;)
[17:45:23] <Jymmm> If you drive a corvette, why would you have tools for a pinto?
[17:46:09] <pcw_home> because people are afraid of the corvette?
[17:46:34] <IchGuckLive> there is a yellow one outside the housde O.O
[17:46:46] <IchGuckLive> courvett 5 i guess
[17:47:03] <tjb1> 26' of rack delivered is only $239.49
[17:47:11] <Jymmm> Well, when a rear end collision explodes the gas tank on the pinto, I dont see the fear factor in the corvette
[17:47:17] <IchGuckLive> and on saturday the canadian naighbour came with a 1.2m groundfree GMC
[17:47:42] <pcw_home> i have some courgettes in the back yard
[17:47:59] <Jymmm> some what?
[17:48:44] <pcw_home> They are not too scary but they do grow quickly
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[17:49:22] <Jymmm> oh, zucchini. why didn' you say that?
[17:49:57] <IchGuckLive> this week is summer in Germany
[17:50:13] <Jymmm> and next week winter?
[17:50:35] <IchGuckLive> and the most have gone to itali where the big rain is (as it wars last 6weeks here in germany )
[17:50:38] <anonimas1> spindle bearings refused to come off :/
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[17:50:50] <Jymmm> anonimas1: torch
[17:51:10] <Jymmm> anonimas1: heat the outside, then smack away
[17:51:47] <Jymmm> thermal expansion ftw!
[17:51:48] <anonimas1> Jymmm: hm, i cant really get a torch where it needs to be..
[17:52:00] <Jymmm> anonimas1: how air gun?
[17:52:05] <Jymmm> hot air gun?
[17:52:10] <anonimas1> it's the inner race stuck to the spindle shaft
[17:52:21] <Jymmm> anonimas1: hair dryer
[17:52:48] <anonimas1> i'll try force tomorrow.
[17:53:44] <archivist> anonimas1, safe way, use a dremel and cut till the inner is thin enough to crack
[17:53:50] <anonimas1> and we will see how it goes, i tried pulling it down with the vise clamped to the table per manuf recommendations but it's sitting so damn much it just slides
[17:54:41] <anonimas1> archivist: the shaft it stuck inside the housing
[17:54:50] <anonimas1> archivist: i cant move it anywhere or reach the bearing raceways
[17:55:30] <anonimas1> for the od raceways i can just weld them and they will fall off.. and the inner i can crack
[17:55:44] <anonimas1> but as they are stuck on the same shaft i cant move anything anywhere
[17:56:12] <Jymmm> heat gun,
[17:56:17] <archivist> remove cage to get balls/rollers out maybe
[17:56:27] <Jymmm> 1100F of goodness
[17:56:46] <archivist> Jymmm, not on precission stuff no
[17:57:31] -!- nik [nik!~nik@78-83-51-185.spectrumnet.bg] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:57:39] <Jymmm> I dont think a heat gun is going to tweak anything any more that the heat produced from a dremel
[17:57:54] nik is now known as Guest51877
[17:58:04] <Jymmm> and he can control the amount of heat better with a heat gun
[17:58:15] <archivist> perhaps you have not done any heat treatment or read up on it
[17:58:16] <Jymmm> if he's patient
[17:58:46] <Jymmm> were talking thermal expansion, not a the level of tempering
[17:59:06] <anonimas1> it wont make a difference to the hardened shaft a heatgun..
[17:59:09] <Jymmm> theres also a LOW setting on those
[17:59:18] <anonimas1> problem is just getting the heat into the bearings.
[17:59:56] <anonimas1> I can always stick it all in the press..
[18:00:05] <Jymmm> what, no aluminum foil to make a hot air funnel?
[18:00:14] <anonimas1> but the problem is that nothing tells you when things crack. :D
[18:00:21] <anonimas1> 80t press.
[18:00:35] <anonimas1> it'll make a pancake out of the spindle if the bearings are stuck enough.
[18:00:46] <archivist> 399 °F is straw well into tempering range
[18:00:53] <JT-Shop> yikes my 50t press will flatten and bend some amazinly large stuff
[18:01:32] <anonimas1> we bend 25mm construction steel all the time in it
[18:01:50] <anonimas1> and alot of hardox/weldox but with preheating
[18:02:10] <archivist> I have some brutal pullers I take to a job
[18:02:23] <anonimas1> we once had a plate snap, since them we always heat anything that's not normal iron
[18:02:29] -!- Guest51877 has quit [Quit: Bye Bye]
[18:03:24] * anonimas1 mumbles about force feedback on the lever
[18:10:04] -!- BenceKovi11114 has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[18:10:35] <IchGuckLive> ok by have a nice day wherever you are B)
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[18:17:47] -!- FinboySlick [FinboySlick!~shark@] has joined #linuxcnc
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[18:26:57] <djdelorie> finally got my torque loop math rewritten, do I need a separate RPM pid loop, or just position and torque?
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[18:35:41] -!- gmagno [gmagno!~gmagno@a213-22-30-249.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #linuxcnc
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[18:44:22] <phaedrusbjb> greetings, first post on linuxcnc
[18:46:43] <djdelorie> I think we're all at work...
[18:48:15] <phaedrusbjb> thanks for letting me know i'm live. guessing this gets more active after 8pm EST or so. see y'all then
[18:48:48] <gmagno> well... yesterday I left the channel bugging some ppl here with my problems in putting a pololu A4984 stepper motor driver to work... SHould I continue? :D Anyone interested in helping?
[18:48:53] <gmagno> I'm not sure how to debug it
[18:49:22] <jdh> you have 3 of them, they all do the same thing?
[18:49:31] <gmagno> Valen gave me some tips, I've re assembled the circuit with bettter wiring, but still not working and the chip is getting very hot still
[18:50:11] <JT-Shop> dang he didn't stay long
[18:50:16] <gmagno> jdh, haven't tried, I'm afraid I'll do the same mistake and who knows burn another driver (if I've already burnt the first one...)
[18:50:47] -!- PCW [PCW!~chatzilla@] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:51:07] <gmagno> If step and direction pins are, for isntance, grounded, what should I see at the output
[18:51:08] <gmagno> ?
[18:51:20] <gmagno> there should be some voltage, right?
[18:51:36] <gmagno> btw, this is the board I'm using: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pololu-StepStick-Stepper-Motor-Driver-RepRap-RAMPS-Sanguinololu-/280877891763
[18:51:43] <jdh> shouldn't really matter what the inputs are doing
[18:52:16] <djdelorie> did you read the pololu faq? It talks about overheating...
[18:53:50] <gmagno> djdelorie, I've read this: http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1182
[18:54:14] <djdelorie> http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1182/faqs
[18:55:00] <gmagno> djdelorie, lemme check that
[18:56:31] <archivist> it tells you on that page it needs a heatsink to use full current
[18:57:05] <jdh> that is somewhat orthogonal to the issue.
[18:58:01] <archivist> the other issue is just proper voltages to drive it
[18:58:25] <djdelorie> All I know about "the issue" is what was just posted: "still not working" and "chip getting very hot"
[18:59:30] <archivist> well if he grounds step and dir, its hardly going to step, just sit there and get hot
[19:00:18] <djdelorie> heh, that's a difference between steppers and servos. If my driver gets hot, something is wrong. If a stepper driver gets hot, you add a heatsink.
[19:00:25] <gmagno> archivist, even without motors connected?
[19:01:28] <archivist> I would not be running them open circuit, never connect/disconnect the motor while powered
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[19:01:46] <jdh> gmagno: the motors did not lock up when you had them connected?
[19:02:26] -!- Gast456 [Gast456!~Gast456@78-83-51-185.spectrumnet.bg] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:04:50] <gmagno> jdh, no, it does not lock. It just gets a bit harder to turn, as if we shunt one of the coils, if you know what i mean..
[19:06:05] <Jymmm> alex_joni: A new project for you... http://enpundit.com/perfectly-timed-explosion-photography-by-alan-sailer/
[19:06:29] <djdelorie> to debug, you need an ammeter in line with each coil, I think...
[19:07:12] <jdh> but don't let the wire slip
[19:07:17] <JT-Shop> in the axis lathe sim the spindle is capped at 2500 rpm I can't seem to find where to change that, anyone have a clue?
[19:07:31] <gmagno> jdh, what do you mean?
[19:07:48] <gmagno> btw, here is a just taken photo of the board: http://postimage.org/image/mefh8e6nh/
[19:07:49] <jdh> if you disconnect to measure current inline
[19:08:36] <Jymmm> Current Shunt Resistors FTW!!!
[19:08:44] <jdh> is that a clear board?
[19:08:56] <Jymmm> http://www.rc-electronics-usa.com/current-shunt.html
[19:08:58] <gmagno> jdh, clear?
[19:09:04] <archivist> why is the bottom one black
[19:09:15] <jdh> is teh breadboard clear acrylic ?
[19:09:18] <archivist> is it fried
[19:09:31] <djdelorie> looks like a heatsink
[19:09:46] <gmagno> archivist, heatsink
[19:10:18] <gmagno> the arduino is just providing 5V and step/dir comands
[19:10:25] <archivist> I would say a bit small for the job
[19:10:40] <jdh> those are sold for reprap kind of things?
[19:10:43] <djdelorie> hmmm... one could design a "servo debugger" using light bulbs and diodes so you can *see* the phases
[19:11:03] <gmagno> jdh, yeah!
[19:11:22] * djdelorie assumes the stepper driver needs a separate power supply for the motor power...
[19:12:04] <gmagno> djdelorie, those entagled white/red wires are power supply source (12V 10A)
[19:12:17] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop how can one share a float to be displayed in axis with a spedo as well as a numeric just below it?
[19:12:48] <JT-Shop> use the signal twice or put both readers on the same net line
[19:12:50] <Tom_itx> i can get one or the other but get errors with both
[19:13:05] <djdelorie> no motor connected yet?
[19:13:37] <gmagno> djdelorie, that photo was taken with the motors disconnected. But I've tried both situations
[19:14:12] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, just send this to another pyvcp var? : net spindle-rpm => pyvcp.spindle-speed
[19:14:29] <gmagno> I should see some voltage at driver-to-motor output even without the motor connected, right?
[19:15:14] <djdelorie> yes, I think
[19:15:31] <gmagno> I've also done the pot tuning to 0.4V which means just 1A max current
[19:15:33] <JT-Shop> pyvcp var?
[19:15:59] <Tom_itx> net spindle-rpm => pyvcp.spindle-speed pyvcp.spindle-rpm
[19:16:02] <Tom_itx> like that?
[19:16:43] <JT-Shop> is spindle-rpm on another net somewhere?
[19:17:01] <Tom_itx> the net from hal is
[19:17:18] <JT-Shop> yea, that should work
[19:17:20] <Tom_itx> maybe i should call it something else
[19:17:38] <Tom_itx> i'll give it a shot
[19:17:42] <JT-Shop> no need to you can have more than one reader on the same signal
[19:17:53] <Tom_itx> i don't follow
[19:18:17] <Tom_itx> i get errors when i try to use spindle-speed twice in the xml
[19:18:32] <djdelorie> gmagno: you didn't hook up MS3 ?
[19:18:46] <JT-Shop> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/hal/basic_hal.html#_net_a_id_sub_net_a
[19:18:54] <gmagno> djdelorie, there is no MS3 this is a A4984
[19:18:58] <JT-Shop> look at the diagram
[19:19:06] <Tom_itx> ok
[19:19:14] <Tom_itx> other than that it works great
[19:19:18] <Tom_itx> accuracy looks good
[19:19:29] <Tom_itx> i put a frequency counter on it as well to compare
[19:19:32] <JT-Shop> cool
[19:19:40] <gmagno> djdelorie, though there is MS3 written in the board
[19:19:59] <gmagno> the datasheet does not contemplate an MS3 pin
[19:20:04] <djdelorie> hook it up like the others, "just in case"
[19:20:12] <JT-Shop> dang Amazon has carbide inserts
[19:20:13] <gmagno> djdelorie, ok
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[19:20:29] <Tom_itx> amazon has everything
[19:20:37] <Tom_itx> hell i bet you could grocery shop there
[19:20:39] <gmagno> sounds very reasoable in fact
[19:21:09] <Tom_itx> they got brokering down
[19:22:27] <JT-Shop> did the diagram make sense?
[19:23:58] <gmagno> djdelorie, still not working :-/ I think I'm gonna try on one of the other driver boards
[19:24:05] <djdelorie> define "not working"
[19:24:19] <gmagno> btw, I'm powering the arduino first, and then the 12V motor power supply
[19:24:26] <gmagno> is this correct?
[19:24:43] <djdelorie> depends on what the chip's spec says
[19:29:43] <archivist> are you scoping the signals in and out
[19:30:11] <gmagno> archivist, you mean with an oscilloscope?
[19:30:15] <gmagno> i dont have one
[19:30:39] <djdelorie> some LEDs and a suitable resistor, in place of the coils, might give you some clues...
[19:31:01] <gmagno> sounds like a plan
[19:31:05] <djdelorie> put the leds together like a bi-color led so you know which way the current is going
[19:31:06] <archivist> so we cannot be sure if its your driver or signal source
[19:31:45] <djdelorie> warning: size the resistor for your power supply, not what you *think* should be going through them
[19:31:47] <archivist> and have leds on step dir and reset etc
[19:32:40] <gmagno> archivist, reset is permanently connected to VDD, this is a /RESET
[19:33:34] <archivist> and enable is what too
[19:33:36] <gmagno> and /SLEEP as well
[19:33:46] <gmagno> enable is grounded
[19:34:09] <gmagno> the picture doesn't let me lie
[19:34:20] <jdh> a2z website is worse than mesa's
[19:35:20] <jdh> 12% off all a2z stuff still isn't compelling
[19:35:56] -!- Gast456 has quit [Quit: Bye Bye]
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[19:38:42] <gmagno> djdelorie, if I substitute the coild by an LED it only flash on one direction. Do you suggest connecting to the bridge and the the other side to power ground?
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[19:38:59] <gmagno> LED+resistor of course
[19:39:02] <djdelorie> use two LEDs, in parallel but opposite directions
[19:39:12] <djdelorie> put the leds+res across the two coil contacts
[19:39:26] <djdelorie> each led pair is one "coil" and which led is on tells you the polarity
[19:39:48] <gmagno> i see
[19:40:14] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, yes i got it working
[19:42:17] <djdelorie> http://www.delorie.com/tmp/led-coil.html
[19:42:25] -!- cylly [cylly!cylly@p54B12254.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:43:55] <gmagno> djdelorie, yup
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[19:50:27] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: did the diagram make it any clearer?
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[20:21:39] <Jymmm> jdh: ping
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[20:29:57] <archivist> I wish people would lurk some more, 3 minutes is not enough to catch them with an answer
[20:30:33] <djdelorie> I get that on minecraft too. hi dj. hi dj! HI DJ! Oh well, bye.
[20:31:16] -!- tjb1 [tjb1!~tjb1@134.sub-174-231-5.myvzw.com] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:33:36] <archivist> !later tjb1 you wanted an imperial sized rack last night http://www.hpcgears.com/products/racks.htm
[20:33:37] <the_wench> will tell tjb1 when he/she joins next
[20:33:39] <gmagno> djdelorie, hey, bad news :( none of the LEDs switches on... http://postimage.org/image/b60gtfk3l/ I tested all the leds individually, they work fine :(
[20:34:15] <djdelorie> either chip's fried or your enable/reset/standby logic is buggy
[20:34:19] -!- RussianKid [RussianKid!~sasha@] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:34:24] <djdelorie> assumin motor power is good :-)
[20:34:29] -!- RussianKid [RussianKid!~sasha@] has parted #linuxcnc
[20:35:15] <archivist> or just plain wiring error :)
[20:35:27] <gmagno> about the logic pins, these are grounded or VDD-ed, so that should not be the problem, makes sense?
[20:35:35] * djdelorie assumes wiring error leads to logic bugs :-)
[20:35:47] <djdelorie> test each pin with a voltmeter, MAKE SURE they're doing what you expect.
[20:36:08] <archivist> gmagno, dont assume anything, measure
[20:36:52] <archivist> I think there are two dj's here thinking the same :)
[20:36:55] cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[20:37:15] <djdelorie> your name is dj too?
[20:37:24] <archivist> mine are initial's though :)
[20:37:30] <djdelorie> ah, mine aren't.
[20:37:39] <archivist> I know :)
[20:37:40] <djdelorie> er, "mine isn't"
[20:38:35] <Loetmichel> re @ home... i think i'm getting old... just abhout 14hr workday and now my back aches and i am tired... that was nothing in my days ;-)
[20:39:16] <archivist> you need a slave to do some of the work
[20:39:31] <archivist> ...oops you are the slave :)
[20:39:38] <gmagno> ok, logic pins voltages are correct. I can assure that.
[20:39:44] <anonimas1> Loetmichel: automate more :D
[20:40:16] <Loetmichel> anonimas1: not my call
[20:40:36] <Loetmichel> i am just the production manager, not the boss ;-)
[20:40:37] <gmagno> ok, gonna try another driver
[20:42:21] <djdelorie> put a light bulb in series with your 12v supply, might save the next chip...
[20:42:56] -!- RussianKid [RussianKid!~sasha@] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:43:16] <gmagno> djdelorie, how come
[20:43:29] <djdelorie> think "current limiting device"
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[20:47:50] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, yeah the diagram is all i looked at there really
[20:50:09] <anonimas1> Loetmichel: sounds like your job title should allow you to manage that :)
[20:50:56] <Loetmichel> anonimas1: no right to spend money
[20:51:15] <Loetmichel> just to wield the bulldriver for the workers ;-)
[20:51:38] <gmagno> djdelorie, why wouldn't the bulb burn before the driver?
[20:51:59] <djdelorie> why doesn't your flashlight burn out each time you turn it on?
[20:53:05] <gmagno> djdelorie, but you're talking about an AC bulb if I understood well
[20:53:16] <djdelorie> no, a 12v car bulb
[20:53:17] <Loetmichel> maybe "head of production" would be more accurate title ;-)
[20:53:29] <djdelorie> although an AC bulb would do if you picked the right size
[20:53:32] <JT-Shop> should position 9 be the only one used when using cutter comp on a lathe?
[20:53:43] <Loetmichel> gmagno: from the headlights
[20:53:48] * anonimas1 sighs
[20:53:53] <gmagno> Loetmichel, I see
[20:53:54] <djdelorie> a 12v power source won't burn out a 120v bulb anyway
[20:54:02] <anonimas1> tomorrow, mount new spindle bearings.. eat aluminium for lunch with the spindle speeder.
[20:54:53] <gmagno> I'm gonna jump that step. I still have two boards :P
[20:55:23] <anonimas1> I still didnt get the spindle apart :D
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[21:01:03] <anonimas1> and to build a minimum quantity lube system.
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[21:03:28] <educa> I'm using an old S3 PCI gfx card, should I enable vesa drivers to get better performance ?
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[21:21:21] <JT-Shop> my ball has a flat on the top :( http://imagebin.org/221905
[21:21:51] <Tom_itx> due to the cutter shape?
[21:22:38] <Tom_itx> looks like a different cutter did that
[21:22:39] <JT-Shop> and the plot thickens... it's 0.030" over size too
[21:23:24] <gmagno> hey djdelorie, good news: http://postimage.org/image/rsw9r3y4h/ :D :D :D
[21:24:03] <gmagno> djdelorie, bad news: the first driver is burnt... :-|
[21:24:23] <gmagno> I'm gonna try with the motor now
[21:24:48] <gmagno> light up a candle and pray for me pls
[21:26:31] <JT-Shop> and 0.030" is the nose diameter of the cutter I used... or there abouts
[21:27:33] <Tom_itx> you didn't program that in?
[21:27:50] <Tom_itx> funny, i've never used the lathe part of my cad cam
[21:27:57] <Tom_itx> i wanted to learn it
[21:29:10] <r00t4rd3d> www.google.com
[21:34:34] -!- syyl_ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:36:30] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[21:37:41] -!- DJ9DJ has quit [Quit: bye]
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[21:46:48] <JT-Shop> I wrote the G code based on a CAD file measurements
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[21:54:45] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop does it acount for the nose radius?
[21:55:45] <anonimas1> I usually never use radius comp(on the control) I output from my cad/cam system the path with that accounted for
[21:56:21] <anonimas1> since I cant remember comp left/right and what to choose :p
[21:57:39] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: I used cutter comp so yes
[21:59:11] <JT-Shop> I did find my Z offset was about 2 thou in the minus direction
[21:59:29] <anonimas1> that might account for the part where the ball is flat
[22:02:06] <JT-Shop> that's what I was thinking... now turning a sample part and measuring od
[22:02:45] -!- CyberGabber [CyberGabber!~CyberGabb@188-180-ftth.onsbrabantnet.nl] has parted #linuxcnc
[22:03:13] <djdelorie> gmagno: do the lights cycle as you step/repeat it at least?
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[22:16:20] <JT-Shop> now my tool offsets are all fu.ked up and I'm tired messing with it
[22:16:38] <Jymmm> no backup?
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[22:20:33] JT-Shop-2 is now known as JT-Shop
[22:22:18] <archivist> JT-Shop, where did that flat come from
[22:22:36] -!- Guthur [Guthur!~user@] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:22:43] <JT-Shop> dunno, but I think I had my Z offset a couple of thou off
[22:23:17] <archivist> else close :)
[22:23:33] <JT-Shop> hell I can't even get Axis to turn the od a bit to measure the X offset with tool 3
[22:25:35] -!- draig [draig!~appleman4@71-81-192-214.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:29:22] <JT-Shop> when I try and run with tool 3 loaded and near Z0 the DRO changes to -8.5 and it won't run... I do a G43 and bam Z is back to 0
[22:30:17] <gmagno> hey djdelorie yup it works
[22:30:22] <djdelorie> yay!
[22:30:26] <archivist> are you doing the g43 far out enough
[22:32:30] -!- i_tarzan has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:32:51] <gmagno> djdelorie, check this out; http://bambuser.com/v/2850804
[22:33:11] <educa> if I have a GT8600 geforce PciExpress card, should I then use standard drivers or is there something better to getlower latency in linuxcnc?
[22:33:55] <djdelorie> yup, that's a stepper pattern :-)
[22:34:59] <archivist> educa, one experiments till success, unfortunately people dont list what worked often
[22:35:48] <educa> I currently get 20274 max jitter
[22:35:52] <educa> still quite a lot I think?
[22:36:03] <djdelorie> mine's worse
[22:36:10] <djdelorie> but runs fine
[22:36:14] <educa> really?
[22:36:18] <archivist> bit on the high side for a stepper machine but usable
[22:36:18] <djdelorie> yup
[22:36:32] <educa> archivist, it is for a laser cutter
[22:36:41] <djdelorie> although I use servos, they still have a step/direction interface
[22:36:56] <educa> the max stepspeed I'll ever want is 25khz
[22:37:14] <educa> which means that for my config the jitter may not get more ten 25000
[22:37:28] <djdelorie> no, half that
[22:37:48] <educa> stepconf doesn't say it that way
[22:37:59] * djdelorie isn't an expert
[22:38:16] <educa> it says for my driver config that 25000 jitter = max 25khz reliable steprates
[22:38:57] <educa> but what if my pc would ever do a 26000 jitter then? Would this just mean a small hickup in my stepper timing but everything will still work ?
[22:39:10] <djdelorie> yup
[22:39:36] <educa> then in that case it would not be a problem for me to have max 25000 jitter
[22:39:44] <educa> DAMN, machine just gave me a nice 36000
[22:39:45] <educa> :(
[22:39:51] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop what diameter ball is that?
[22:41:38] <JT-Shop> should be 0.250"
[22:42:03] <Tom_itx> what's the tool? Dxxx?
[22:42:13] <Tom_itx> name of the insert
[22:42:24] <JT-Shop> archivist: for some reason my sub was not loading the tool if a finish pass only but I assumed the current one would have been used
[22:43:00] <Tom_itx> 1/4" diameter or radius?
[22:43:04] <Tom_itx> i assume diameter
[22:43:12] <JT-Shop> SVJBRF082D Kennametal
[22:43:23] <JT-Shop> the ball is 1/4" diameter
[22:43:27] <Tom_itx> i lost my book so i don't have all those anymore
[22:43:44] <JT-Shop> the tool is 1/64" radius tip
[22:43:46] <Tom_itx> what's the nose radius?
[22:43:49] <Tom_itx> ok
[22:46:10] <JT-Shop> and the X offset is only 0.0010" off in diameter so that's not the problem
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[22:47:22] <JT-Shop> and it was cutting under by a thou so that surely is not the problem
[22:47:40] <JT-Shop> I guess I don't have a clue how cutter diameter offset works
[22:49:21] <Tom_itx> i don't have any lathe tools defined yet
[22:49:36] <Tom_itx> i gotta do that before i can even lay a cutter path down
[22:49:48] <Tom_itx> i've been wanting to mess with this
[22:50:25] -!- educa has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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[22:51:39] <Tom_itx> what's the tool angle on the insert? 55 75 or 85?
[22:51:48] <JT-Shop> 35
[22:51:50] <Tom_itx> err 35 maybe
[22:51:53] <Tom_itx> :)
[22:51:54] <Tom_itx> diamond
[22:51:58] <JT-Shop> 3 left lean
[22:52:03] <JT-Shop> on the holder
[22:52:16] <JT-Shop> http://www.kennametal.com/e-catalog/ProductDetail.jhtml?XMLArg=3577.xml&MMNumber=1094618&fromloc=srch&parentId=1094618&sid=1214DB2923CE
[22:52:45] <JT-Shop> really need a tiny ball end lol
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[22:55:55] <Tom_itx> i think sanvick uses different standard names for their inserts
[22:56:05] <Tom_itx> ie VNMG433 for example
[22:56:26] <JT-Shop> that's an insert the number above is the tool holder
[22:56:51] <Tom_itx> cad want's the shape of the insert
[22:56:58] <Tom_itx> which i think is VNMG
[22:57:35] <JT-Shop> VBMT-221
[22:57:57] <Tom_itx> i'm trying to find my list of them
[22:58:22] <joe9> anyone have/used this? http://www.hightechsystemsllc.com/pt_plate.html i am trying to figure out how it works when holding down pcb's? wondering if there are pics/videos floating around?
[22:58:50] <JT-Shop> I could offset the profile by the nose radius... but I wanted to use cutter comp
[23:00:03] <joe9> http://www.embeddedtronics.com/image/cnc/hightechmodularworkholding.jpg
[23:00:13] <joe9> not sure how it will hold the pcb down though.
[23:00:41] <Tom_itx> The first number in the description represents the inscribed circle diameter (inside the circle, tangent to the outside lines). This is the value in 1/8" increments. The inscribed curcle represents the overall size of the insert. In the example TNMG433, the T is a triangle, and the 4 indicates that the inscribed circle is 4/8 of an inch.
[23:00:54] <Tom_itx> fwiw
[23:01:15] <JT-Shop> yea
[23:01:17] <Tom_itx> the last digit represents the nose radius
[23:01:21] <JT-Shop> this is 1/4" IC
[23:01:30] <JT-Shop> yea 1/64
[23:02:17] * JT-Shop goes to dice a pound of onions so I have a real reason to whine
[23:02:19] <JT-Shop> bbib
[23:05:01] <cpresser> joe9: build a vaccum-table for pcbs :)
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[23:06:36] <Tom_itx> what's your feed/speed on this tool?
[23:06:38] -!- Thetawaves [Thetawaves!~Thetawave@7-139-42-72.gci.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:10:29] <Tom_itx> or sfm or ipr or ipm... something :)
[23:10:54] <Tom_itx> and the Lead angle
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[23:12:42] <Tom_itx> ok i got the lead angle wrong
[23:12:50] <Tom_itx> it may be 52?
[23:13:06] <Tom_itx> actually yours looks pretty straight
[23:13:18] <Tom_itx> 3 maybe, looking at the dwg
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[23:33:40] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/mkJvt.jpg
[23:33:50] <r00t4rd3d> that should for for lnxCNC too right?
[23:34:13] <r00t4rd3d> should work*
[23:36:15] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop do your tools come in from the front side or rear?
[23:36:39] <r00t4rd3d> lol
[23:36:50] <r00t4rd3d> my guess is rear
[23:36:57] <Tom_itx> but you haven't a clue
[23:37:04] <Tom_itx> it's a cnc lathe silly
[23:37:35] <Tom_itx> i think his are on the front side. our okuma were on the back side i think
[23:37:49] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: I have front tools
[23:38:12] <Tom_itx> do you have a dxf or something of the profile?
[23:38:13] <JT-Shop> makes me wonder if the lathe tool table is really radius not diameter
[23:38:27] <JT-Shop> 3-d or dxf
[23:38:32] <Tom_itx> dxf
[23:38:35] <Tom_itx> just a flat model
[23:38:38] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:38:52] <Tom_itx> i was just gonna spit some code out so you could compare it
[23:39:03] <Tom_itx> i've never run this lathe package so be warned :)
[23:39:41] <JT-Shop> you want all of my measurments and offset or just the profile
[23:39:50] <Tom_itx> just the profile
[23:40:09] <r00t4rd3d> my computer is infested with garbage cad/cam programs.
[23:40:14] <Tom_itx> set zero where you want it in the model
[23:41:13] <r00t4rd3d> in the parallel settings, is Probe an option for a pin?
[23:41:23] <JT-Shop> not sure how to do that in SW
[23:41:27] <r00t4rd3d> i cant remember if i seen it or not
[23:41:34] <Tom_itx> that's ok
[23:41:43] <Tom_itx> i'm not sure i have the lead angle right on the tool either
[23:41:48] <JT-Shop> top center of the ball ie right side
[23:42:08] <Tom_itx> what i draw is half the part
[23:42:16] <Tom_itx> centerline is the z axis zero
[23:42:18] <r00t4rd3d> im not even sure why i come here
[23:42:25] -!- r00t4rd3d [r00t4rd3d!~r00t4rd3d@unaffiliated/r00t4rd3d] has parted #linuxcnc
[23:42:37] <JT-Shop> the default is a whole thing
[23:42:43] <Tom_itx> that's ok
[23:42:46] <JT-Shop> I don't actually draw the drawing
[23:43:00] <JT-Shop> filebin.ca is broke
[23:43:21] <Tom_L> dcc it here if you can
[23:43:31] <JT-Shop> dcc?
[23:43:43] <Tom_itx> send it via irc
[23:44:03] <JT-Shop> trying but your nick changed lol
[23:44:11] <Tom_L> different pc
[23:44:38] <Tom_L> i don't think i have the lead angle right on this tool
[23:44:48] <JT-Shop> you see the dcc?
[23:44:56] <Tom_L> no
[23:45:32] <JT-Shop> says waiting on you
[23:45:59] <Tom_L> try sending again
[23:46:06] <JT-Shop> trying tom_itx
[23:46:49] <Tom_L> it's not getting thru
[23:48:36] <JT-Shop> don't seem to work
[23:49:34] <Tom_L> http://www.filebin.ca/
[23:49:36] <Tom_L> try that
[23:50:16] <Tom_L> filebin is working here
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[23:50:37] <JT-Shop> didn't work, screw that use JTbin.com LOL gnipsel.com/Front-Ball.DXF
[23:50:54] <JT-Shop> the filebin page opened up but did not upload
[23:51:26] <JT-Shop> www.gnipsel.com/Front-Ball.DXF
[23:51:56] <Tom_L> haha
[23:52:04] <Tom_L> that opens in the brouser
[23:52:41] <JT-Shop> ctrl a ctrl c ctrl v
[23:54:07] -!- pjm has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[23:54:10] <Tom_L> ok, let's see what it looks like
[23:54:17] <JT-Shop> www.filebin.ca > Sorry, but we were unable to load the progress information after 10 attempts. Please try again.
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[23:55:02] <Tom_L> can you save it as iges?
[23:55:06] <Tom_L> that may be easier
[23:55:17] <JT-Shop> yea
[23:56:07] <Tom_L> i'll be curious how it imports. i've never used the lathe package
[23:56:39] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
[23:57:09] <JT-Shop> www.gnipsel.com/Front-Ball.IGS
[23:57:24] -!- erictheise has quit [Quit: erictheise]
[23:57:48] <JT-Shop> hmm I get a 404
[23:57:50] <Tom_L> page broke
[23:57:56] <Tom_L> maybe zip it
[23:58:52] <JT-Shop> www.gnipsel.com/Front-Ball.zip
[23:59:08] <JT-Shop> 404
[23:59:26] <Tom_L> no access
[23:59:29] <Tom_L> chown?