#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2013-02-01

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[00:05:59] <cradek> that actually smells like a firefox regression/bug then...
[00:06:22] <cradek> but the javascript to do that upload is so complicated who knows
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[15:31:24] <seb_kuzminsky> what should happen on a random toolchanger machine when you run G10 L1 P0? should it let you change the TLO of T0? i think the answer is yes
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[15:40:33] <cradek> is that what the guis use now for tool touch off?
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[15:42:49] <JT-Shop> except for random it tries to load T0
[15:44:56] <seb_kuzminsky> i think the guis use G10 L1/L10/L11 (not sure which), and i think they all don't accept P0
[15:45:44] <cradek> AXIS: "G10 L%d P%d %c[%s*%.12f]" % (lnum, s.tool_in_spindle, vars.current_axis.get(), new_axis_value, scale
[15:46:05] <cradek> touchy: self.set_text("P%d" % tool, 2)
[15:46:29] <cradek> so I think I agree that neither of them use P0 unless told to
[15:46:37] -!- kwallace [kwallace!~kwallace@smb-9.sonnet.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:47:32] <seb_kuzminsky> this is me right now: http://img.metro.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/MallettREX_450x300.jpg
[15:47:55] <seb_kuzminsky> if you load t0 and then try to touch off, it'll run g10 l10 (or whatever) p0, right?
[15:48:12] <cradek> yes
[15:48:13] <seb_kuzminsky> and that doesn't work
[15:48:15] <seb_kuzminsky> bbl
[15:49:04] <cradek> seb and chris working on tool numbers: http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l112/nbbruin26/Derp-Muppets.gif
[15:51:23] <skunkworks> heh
[15:51:33] <JT-Shop> lol
[15:51:36] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
[15:53:36] <skunkworks> They had a prototyping machine - 3 hours and the made a whistle... ;) they must to their research
[15:53:59] <skunkworks> sorry - on Big ban theory
[15:54:32] <skunkworks> bang
[15:54:36] -!- Brandonian has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:55:37] <cradek> seb_kuzminsky: for G10 L2*, P0 means the current coordinate system. for G10 L1*, I don't see an attempt at doing something similar
[15:55:58] <cradek> obviously this works because 0 is an invalid coordinate system number
[15:56:10] <cradek> but sadly? 0 is sometimes a valid tool number
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[15:58:02] -!- kwallace [kwallace!~kwallace@smb-186.sonnet.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[16:03:35] <seb_kuzminsky> of those muppets, i'm definitely the smart good-looking one on the right
[16:04:54] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
[16:14:26] <cradek> I'm the one saying derp derp derp
[16:29:42] -!- riz_ [riz_!62dd7d6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[16:29:48] <seb_kuzminsky> i think the right thing for me to do is to teach G10 L1x that T0 is allowed
[16:30:09] <seb_kuzminsky> it shouldnt break any existing working gcode programs
[16:30:21] -!- cncbasher [cncbasher!~quassel@cpc15-hart9-2-0-cust101.11-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[16:30:30] <seb_kuzminsky> though if there is a program that erroneously tries to touch off T0, it'll start working now, which may be surprising
[16:31:04] <seb_kuzminsky> the alternative is to just document the current behavior (and maybe fix it in master)
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[16:42:26] <kwallace> Any hints on what CHP is here? CHP((find_tool_pocket(settings, block->t_number, &pocket)));
[16:43:26] <seb_kuzminsky> kwallace: it's a macro that checks for errors
[16:44:11] <seb_kuzminsky> emc/rs274ngc/interp_internal.hh, line 575
[16:44:53] <seb_kuzminsky> cscope is great for answering these kinds of code archaeology, run 'cscope -R' in src
[16:46:10] <kwallace> I should have know that all caps is a macro, cscope is new to me. Thanks.
[16:47:54] <seb_kuzminsky> that caps thing is a convention, it's not universally followed unfortunately
[16:47:58] <seb_kuzminsky> so you still have to check the code
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[17:07:44] <jepler> for me, when a macro does something a function couldn't (like alter the flow of the program as CHP does) it's much more important to make it distinctively a macro---as compared to, say, whether getc is a macro or a function, since it doesn't matter to the user.
[17:10:42] <kwallace> I'm in cscope jail, oh :q, control-d.
[17:15:08] firephoto_ is now known as firephoto
[17:15:41] -!- joe9 [joe9!~joe9@c-24-98-97-215.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[17:24:07] <seb_kuzminsky> good point, jepler
[17:26:18] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
[17:27:04] <kwallace> for(int i=0; i<CANON_POCKETS_MAX; i++) {
[17:27:04] <kwallace> if(settings->tool_table[i].toolno == toolno)
[17:27:04] <kwallace> *pocket = i;
[17:27:04] <kwallace> Here is where pocket number is set to the row number in the tool table?
[17:27:53] <seb_kuzminsky> that looks like Interp::find_tool_pocket()
[17:28:15] <kwallace> Yes.
[17:29:00] <seb_kuzminsky> that tells you which row ow the tool table file the specified tool came from, yes
[17:29:17] <seb_kuzminsky> i don't know if that's the only place where that lookup happens
[17:29:31] <seb_kuzminsky> i know i added one more while trying to fix this toolno/pocketno bug
[17:30:48] <seb_kuzminsky> look at emc/nml_intf/emctool.h, it define the tool table entry as used by linuxcnc
[17:31:19] <seb_kuzminsky> notice it doesn't have a pocket number field
[17:31:44] -!- joru has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[17:32:47] <seb_kuzminsky> also look at the fms variable in ioControl.cc, i think that's what tracks the actual pocket number
[17:33:17] <seb_kuzminsky> this stuff is pretty messy, tread carefully! i've spent more weeks than i care to admit trying to make a fairly small simple change...
[17:34:12] <kwallace> Yesterday, using halmeter I found that iocontrol pocket pin followed row number, but this was in 2.5.
[17:34:28] <seb_kuzminsky> only for nonrandom tc machines
[17:34:39] <seb_kuzminsky> random tc machines use the actual pocket number from the tool table file
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[17:46:03] <kwallace> I'm missing something here. When I hear random tool changer, I think, I load the changer with tools and give each tool a pocket number. As tools get changed, the tools can randomly get different pockets. With non-random changers, the tool-pocket relationships don't change but I still get to make the initial assignments... or not?
[17:47:17] <cradek> the meaning of random is the tool load operation exchanges the tools between the spindle and the prepared pocket
[17:47:43] <cradek> it's correct that this means tools move around to different pockets (but of course it's not really random)
[17:50:09] <cradek> nobody really wants to load tools randomly
[17:51:51] <seb_kuzminsky> kwallace: i've tried to document some of this stuff, but my docs are not ready to push yet
[17:52:01] <seb_kuzminsky> here's a preview if you want to read it: http://git.highlab.com/?p=emc2.git;a=blob;f=docs/src/code/Code_Notes.txt;h=ac3c8bbee1859aa484a9e18d97594d6798362987;hb=0cd40cd17c883f34f36882fa55677bddc0ca9a0e#l1016
[17:52:55] <seb_kuzminsky> cradek: in that version of the file i tried to strengthen the distinction between tool changer hardware and the linuxcnc abstraction thereof, per your suggestion last time you reviewed this branch
[17:53:08] <cradek> cool
[17:53:20] <cradek> I sort of remember that discussion
[17:53:41] <kwallace> Great, thanks. I'll look it over.
[17:58:39] -!- adb [adb!~IonMoldom@] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[17:58:40] <seb_kuzminsky> kwallace: take the info in that file with a grain of salt - it's a work in progress (hence why it's not pushed to 2.5 yet)
[18:14:50] <skunkworks> I can load tools randomly...
[18:16:03] <skunkworks> :) (because I am awesome)
[18:18:41] <kwallace> CNC Impressionist?
[18:20:30] <kwallace> On first read, it seems that "non-random" means that pocket is used internally and the user only gets to see it because it has to be in the tool table. "Non-random" means that pocket gets to grow up a little bit.
[18:22:30] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[18:24:18] <seb_kuzminsky> my understanding is that the pocket is an implementation detail of the tool changer hardware, and linuxcnc tracks it as little as it can possibly get away with
[18:24:40] <seb_kuzminsky> on nonrandom, it can be tracked almost not at all
[18:24:53] <seb_kuzminsky> on random, it needs to be managed in this special swappy way
[18:25:56] <skunkworks> kwallace, doen't matter what pocket the tool is in... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nuRea6615s&feature=share&list=UUHk52YjGT8HryRYmJKSl-lg
[18:26:37] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
[18:28:15] * skunkworks loves linuxcnc
[18:29:47] <seb_kuzminsky> skunkworks: it's nice to see big machines working well with linuxcnc, i sometimes get too focused on the broken bits ;-)
[18:30:06] <seb_kuzminsky> how many pockets in your tool changer?
[18:30:14] <skunkworks> 60
[18:30:31] <seb_kuzminsky> of which only 55 or 56 are usable? that's too bad :-/
[18:30:57] <skunkworks> eh - I have never used more than 10
[18:31:01] <skunkworks> so far
[18:31:21] <seb_kuzminsky> heh, good point, i guess 56 tools is quite a lot
[18:31:32] -!- pjm has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[18:32:47] <skunkworks> I know a guy sitll using emc1 - I hope to give him a demo in the next few weeks
[18:35:32] -!- asdfasd has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:36:37] <kwallace> Since you mentioned EMC1, I found this yesterday: http://www.tuxcnc.org/index.php
[18:41:27] <skunkworks> kwallace, not updated since 2008...
[18:44:23] <seb_kuzminsky> forking is easy, but running a project (and a community) is a lot of work
[18:44:43] <kwallace> paul_c was active when I got started, but I missed a lot of the interesting conversations.
[18:45:12] <seb_kuzminsky> he was active when i started too, we talked a bit about the structure of the hostmot2 driver, he had some good suggestions
[18:45:23] <seb_kuzminsky> he also ran a buildslave for a while
[18:45:42] -!- mattions has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[18:45:46] <seb_kuzminsky> mostly to show how many compile warnings there were with newer versions of gcc, i think
[18:45:59] <seb_kuzminsky> he shut it off when we fixed the issues ;-)
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[18:53:32] -!- dgarr [dgarr!~dgarrett@97-124-40-172.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[18:57:18] <skunkworks> He did not like the direction emc2 was going with hal
[18:57:32] <skunkworks> I think it has proven itself
[18:57:55] <seb_kuzminsky> i like it too
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[19:04:53] <cradek> dgarr: I don't know if it matters, but I think you're missing a newline because two debug statements end up squished together (and interestingly that causes only one of them to fire)
[19:05:51] <cradek> oh I see it
[19:05:58] <cradek> I will just fix it
[19:07:35] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03dgarrett 05v2.5_branch 1e955fb 06emc2 10tcl/bin/pickconfig.tcl * pickconfig.tcl: improve readme.ngc
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[19:17:28] <dgarr> cradek: oops -- thanks -- you fixed it before i noticed here
[19:17:46] <cradek> no problem
[19:18:05] <cradek> it took me a while to figure out how to get the code to run at all. I had never noticed readme.ngc
[19:19:29] <dgarr> on a new install, it appears in the nc_files directory, so a new user can run it to see if things are working; this change lets a user select it with a ngcgui custom tab too
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[19:22:28] <dgarr> i've been working with jthornton on a python version of ngcgui, if anyone wants to try it on a 2.5 rip install (integrated with touchy), a patch is at:
[19:22:30] <dgarr> http://www.panix.com/~dgarrett/stuff/pyngcgui_with_touchy.patch
[19:29:19] <cradek> integrated with touchy sounds interesting
[19:32:45] <dgarr> to try: cd git_emc_dir/src; git am thepatch; make; linuxcnc ../configs/sim/touchy_ngcgui.ini
[19:38:03] <skunkworks> dgarr, your latency histogram is awesome.. How do you run it when you have a installed emc?
[19:38:13] <skunkworks> *linuxcnc
[19:39:22] <dgarr> it was renamed to 'latencyhistogram' and is in the scripts directory so i think it should be in the path (dont forget . rip-evironment if rip)
[19:40:05] <cradek> hm we should've tried it when installed from a package - I didn't
[19:42:17] <dgarr> i can never understand the makefiles for packaging but i thought the scripts dir was in the user path
[19:42:54] <cradek> I remember checking that the parts will get packaged and installed, but I didn't ... um ... really try it
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[19:44:26] <skunkworks> I didn't know it was added... I will have to update and try it. (when I tried to run you script with just installed setup I was getting errors - but don't remember what.. :))
[19:46:05] <cradek> should be able to just update to the buildbot 2.5
[19:48:28] <cradek> it doesn't work
[19:48:53] <cradek> it says it needs comp from linuxcnc-(sim-)dev, which is wrong
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[19:50:15] <cradek> dgarr: ^
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[19:55:34] -!- L84Supper2 [L84Supper2!~TheLarch@unaffiliated/l84supper] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[19:57:16] <dgarr> how do i get a buildbot deb (for precise) with wget -- i used to know but cant find the right url
[19:57:54] <cradek> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/dists/precise/
[19:58:21] <dgarr> thanks -- if i can figure out what's wrong, i'll make a patch
[19:58:34] <cradek> thanks
[19:58:46] <seb_kuzminsky> is the comp dependency mentioned above a packaging problem? what's the issue?
[19:58:46] <jepler> when you have a debian sources.list line like this: deb http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ precise master-sim [from http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/] you can get the base URL of the packages as http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/dists/precise/master-sim/
[19:58:49] <cradek> you probably just have to remove the inappropriate checks?
[19:59:17] <cradek> seb_kuzminsky: it's peculiar to latencyhistogram which had an unusual history
[19:59:31] <dgarr> probably a check that i should have removed when i got rid of making a comp on the fly
[19:59:41] <seb_kuzminsky> ah ok
[19:59:54] <seb_kuzminsky> about the "it works in rip but not in the deb" issue....
[20:00:14] <cradek> /usr/share/man/man9/latencybins.9.gz
[20:00:14] <cradek> /usr/lib/linuxcnc/modules/latencybins.so
[20:00:18] <cradek> this is installed fine
[20:00:22] <seb_kuzminsky> i've been thinking about extending the testing done by the buildbot to check for those kinds of things
[20:01:19] <seb_kuzminsky> by packaging the tests (maybe in a separate deb), and installing the debs on a clean machine and running the tests on the installed programs
[20:01:54] <jepler> not quite the same as what you're saying, it would be nice to turn the runtests into something that can be run against an installed deb
[20:02:14] <jepler> then you can shift all the package building out of virtual machines into pbuilders if you find it desirable to do so
[20:02:32] <jepler> this relates to this idea of a universal userspace binary, which you'd want to build once but then execute in different environments
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[20:17:12] <seb_kuzminsky> seems like it should be easy to teach runtests to relax about that
[20:25:24] <jepler> I don't remember if there was any reason it was hard
[20:25:38] <jepler> or if I just didn't see the payoff of making it work at the time
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[20:54:39] <skunkworks> wow - really - I have a 5i25 in my toolbox but can't get it to work... SO I am going with a printer port
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[21:05:30] <PCW> Yeah I think this is the same guy that said he tried a 5i25 but its stepgen was slower than a parallel port (on CNCzone)
[21:06:31] <skunkworks> wow
[21:07:01] <skunkworks> so it did work?
[21:08:22] <PCW> I have yet to find a motherboard that the 5I25 will nor work in (except really ancient ones with no 3.3V around 166 MHz pentium vintage)
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[21:39:21] <dgarr> cradek: for consideration: http://www.panix.com/~dgarrett/stuff/0001-latencyhistogram-don-t-fault-for-comp-absence.patch
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[21:43:00] <cradek> dgarr: does configure do some necessary substitution?
[21:43:16] <dgarr> @REALTIME@
[21:43:26] <cradek> oh right, I see it now
[21:43:27] <cradek> thanks
[21:43:33] <cradek> I'll push it and then try the buildbot package later
[21:43:51] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03dgarrett 05v2.5_branch a5c0aec 06emc2 04scripts/latencyhistogram 03scripts/latencyhistogram.in 10src/Makefile 10src/configure.in * latencyhistogram: don't fault for comp absence
[21:43:57] <dgarr> thank you -- i'm not too confident messing with configure.in nor Makefiles
[21:44:11] <cradek> that only means you are rational
[21:45:19] <cradek> thanks for the fix :-)
[21:53:12] <jepler> I'd have said the latencyhistogram -> latencyhistogram.in change was not necessary
[21:53:20] <jepler> but neither is it a problem
[21:53:36] <jepler> in an installed system if you don't have the $PREFIX/bin in your PATH, you lose
[21:53:55] <jepler> or am I mistaken and the realtime script isn't in PATH
[21:53:57] <jepler> it's not, is it...?
[21:54:04] <jepler> nevermind, the configure stuff is necessary in that case
[21:54:05] <dgarr> not in path for RTAI i think
[21:54:43] <cradek> on my deb-installed sim system, realtime is not in the path
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[22:24:41] <cradek> buildbot makes me happy
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[22:27:01] <cradek> got an 18.0.1 firefox update today, but it doesn't fix forum attachments
[22:29:21] <JT-Shop> :(
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[23:00:39] <seb_kuzminsky> linuxcnc-build_: notify list
[23:00:40] <linuxcnc-build_> The following events are being notified: []
[23:00:46] <seb_kuzminsky> linuxcnc-build_: notify on failure
[23:00:47] <linuxcnc-build_> The following events are being notified: ['failure']
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[23:24:55] <dgarr> the ga5c0aec_i386.deb buildbot build (sim,precise) works for me
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[23:44:13] <kwallace> While on the git website, I looked at the log link next to 2.6 and it seems to indicate the last change was made 23 months ago?
[23:47:29] <cradek> that was a tag made for some test purpose (note the -pre). You are probably interested in the commits on master, since there is not yet any real 2.6 tag or branch.
[23:47:55] <cradek> dgarr: thanks for testing it
[23:50:24] <kwallace> Sorry, I did a local "git log" and it is much more believable. I think you warned me about the git website before.
[23:54:20] <cradek> well the website is right - it's just that you expect 2.6 tags and there aren't any (except for testing tags which contain -pre)
[23:54:36] <cradek> the commits that will eventually be in 2.6 are the ones at the top, the newest one there is 43 hours ago
[23:54:57] <cradek> the most recent changes are in v2.5_branch at the bottom ("heads"), 2 hours ago
[23:55:32] <dgarr> the ga5c0aec_i386.deb buildbot build (rtai,lucid) is also working for me, and an example on an atom:
[23:55:34] <dgarr> http://www.panix.com/~dgarrett/stuff/atom1-rtai-remoteX.png