#emc-devel | Logs for 2008-08-15

[02:50:20] <skunkworks> shouldn't people be discussing emc?
[02:50:23] <skunkworks> come on now.
[02:50:35] <cradek> I'm still writing ladder
[02:50:43] <cradek> it's kind of neat actually
[02:50:46] <skunkworks> I have been sitting here for the last hour waiting for someone to say something...
[02:50:53] <cradek> loser
[02:50:55] <skunkworks> heh
[02:51:02] <cradek> oh did I say that out loud?
[02:51:04] <cradek> oops
[02:51:18] <skunkworks> if I had a working digital camera - I would post some of the yard projects
[02:51:36] <skunkworks> so - how close is your ladder to being done?
[02:51:45] <skunkworks> or workable?
[02:52:11] <cradek> I keep coming up with more it should handle.
[02:52:17] <skunkworks> been there.
[02:52:21] <skunkworks> :)
[02:52:39] <cradek> and I'm testing each piece a lot - it's slow going
[02:52:48] <skunkworks> I bet
[02:53:14] <skunkworks> have you had problems with the gui memory hole?
[02:53:32] <cradek> no, it must be fixed
[02:53:49] <skunkworks> neat
[02:54:38] <cradek> http://timeguy.com/cradek-files/emc/top.png
[02:55:04] <cradek> that's after running for a pretty long time
[02:55:14] <skunkworks> looks good
[02:57:50] <cradek> the new scheme where the %Q3 are replaced by things like TurretStop>> (the hal signal name) is so so much better
[02:58:12] <cradek> >>ColletOpenRequest is an input, HighClutch>> is an output
[02:58:14] <skunkworks> I bet. I have only played with cl a little bit.
[02:59:27] <cradek> it makes some things really simple
[02:59:37] <cradek> you will get to play with it a lot - for your tool changer
[03:00:39] <skunkworks> exactly
[03:01:05] <skunkworks> too may projects. then this thing called work takes too much time.'
[03:01:12] <cradek> me too
[03:01:32] <skunkworks> some day I hope to be independantly wealthy
[03:01:36] <skunkworks> :)
[03:01:41] <skunkworks> wealthy?
[03:01:49] <cradek> give me half if so?
[03:01:55] <skunkworks> no problem
[03:01:59] <cradek> cool.
[03:02:50] <skunkworks> or be ruler of the republic of wisconsin.. What ever comes first.
[03:03:21] <skunkworks> hmm - maybe the neighbors home made wine is a bit strong.
[03:05:50] <skunkworks> hmm - wife went to bed.. I should follow. Talk to you tomorrow. Good luck on the ladder.
[03:05:56] <cradek> goodnight
[03:05:59] <cradek> I should too.
[03:06:07] <skunkworks> night
[03:06:11] <cradek> well, not go to bed with your wife, you know what I mean.
[03:06:17] <skunkworks> heh
[03:06:25] <jepler> http://emergent.unpy.net/index.cgi/01218769184
[03:06:39] <jepler> ^^ my efforts for the evening -- because a scope on a computer should look like a vector scope
[03:07:09] <jepler> 'night guys
[03:07:25] <skunkworks> cool - good night.
[03:20:41] <cradek> hey, that's neat
[06:10:11] <alex_joni> cradek: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Metric_system.png
[08:30:16] <christel> [Global Notice] Hi all, We appear to be having some European connectivity issues this morning, I'm about to do a tiny spot of re-hubbing, it should only hurt for a second! Have a great day and thank you for using freenode.
[12:18:13] <skunkworks_> logger_dev: bookmark
[12:18:13] <skunkworks_> Just this once .. here's the log: http://www.linuxcnc.org/irc/irc.freenode.net:6667/emcdevel/2008-08-15.txt
[14:39:33] <jepler> oh cool -- the waveform visualization program I wrote last night also works on dapper
[14:47:57] <skunkworks_> are you going to build in focus? ;)
[14:49:22] <jepler> bah
[14:51:14] <skunkworks_> and a faint glow off the edge when the trace is off the screen?
[14:51:31] <jepler> maybe you're thinking too much like a real scope :-P
[14:51:59] <skunkworks_> <jepler> ^^ my efforts for the evening -- because a scope on a computer should look like a vector scope
[14:52:12] <skunkworks_> ;)
[16:16:46] <jepler> hm I'm starting to worry that the performance won't be good enough. I wonder if it's python or cairo (the vector graphics library) ... but now interactively changing horizontal scales and offsets works: http://emergent.unpy.net/files/sandbox/tracegui.png
[16:19:18] <jepler> of course that's with 100k samples each on 3 traces, which is about 20x more than halscope does by default
[18:31:00] <jepler> http://emergent.unpy.net/files/sandbox/tracegui2.png -- displaying channels as hex values
[18:33:14] <cradek> wow, you're serious about this
[18:33:23] <cradek> that's a lot of features already
[18:34:37] <jepler> unfortunately interfacing it to scope_rt is not easy
[18:42:28] <skunkworks_> coming from you - that must mean it is almost impossible.. :)
[18:49:33] <jepler> you mean because I never *ever* whine about the difficulty of a project?
[18:49:39] <jepler> hah!
[18:53:26] <skunkworks_> I was meaning that if you say it is 'not easy' others would say it is impossible :)
[23:37:28] <jepler> hm, http://www.fpga4fun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1150
[23:42:46] <skunkworks> same issue you see on some hardware?
[23:48:33] <CIA-35> EMC: 03jepler 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/stepconf/stepconf.py: fix bug reported by Christopher Purcell: bad config files when SCALE is negative
[23:48:51] <CIA-35> EMC: 03jepler 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/debian/changelog: fix bug reported by Christopher Purcell: bad config files when SCALE is negative
[23:50:04] <CIA-35> EMC: 03jepler 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/stepconf/stepconf.py: from branch: negative SCALE fix for MAX_VELOCITY