#emc-devel | Logs for 2007-11-24

[02:16:29] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07w_tool_length * 10emc2/share/axis/tcl/axis.tcl: fix joint numbers
[02:18:12] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/share/axis/tcl/axis.tcl: fix joint numbers
[03:35:35] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07w_tool_length * 10emc2/lib/python/rs274/interpret.py: fix g18/zx arc preview
[03:35:53] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/lib/python/rs274/interpret.py: fix g18/zx arc preview
[03:36:17] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/lib/python/rs274/interpret.py: fix g18/zx arc preview
[03:38:56] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/debian/changelog: fix g18/zx arc preview
[03:41:21] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/nc_files/3dtest.ngc: this is still useful. I fixed a few things but mostly it's just a copy from the emc1 tree.
[04:41:27] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/configs/sim/tripodsim.hal: fix tripod sample config
[04:42:45] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/configs/sim/tripodsim.hal: fix tripod sample config
[05:08:32] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/nc_files/g76.ngc: this should at least run on sim/lathe
[05:09:22] <CIA-19> 03cradek 07v2_2_branch * 10emc2/debian/changelog: fix tripod
[06:10:44] <fenn> instead of runlevels, consider a dependency tree. sometimes it is not nice and neat and linear
[06:13:44] <fenn> sometimes you might satisfy two or more nodes in the tree, but not their common parent node
[06:14:12] <fenn> but there's no reason not to perform any operations whose prerequisites are satisfied
[14:40:01] <jepler> cradek: thanks for your fixes on the 2.2 branch
[14:40:05] <jepler> is this one a backport candidate too?
[14:40:05] <jepler> revision 1.55
[14:40:05] <jepler> date: 2007/11/24 02:18:00; author: cradek; state: Exp; lines: +6 -0
[14:40:05] <jepler> fix joint numbers
[14:41:21] <jepler> fwiw in 2.3, I think what the code needs is two separate frames which are swapped in and out, instead of labels that are changed: .axes.axisx .axes.axisy and .joints.joint0 .joints.joint1 etc
[14:41:35] <jepler> because not only the labels may differ, but also the visibility
[15:05:15] <cradek> yeah I didn't bother, because probably nobody has even seen that, and it's half-baked at best
[15:05:55] <cradek> I had intended to at least try all the sim-like configs, but I got bored
[15:06:54] <cradek> and also check the vel/acc/jog slider limits in stepper-xyza, but it needs a parport to run
[15:18:59] <jepler> yeah clearly I did too
[15:19:04] <jepler> I'm the one who broke most of them, after all...
[17:03:54] <Roguish_> Roguish_ is now known as Roguish
[19:29:46] <alex_joni> hi all
[21:34:09] <skunkworkds> skunkworkds is now known as skunkworks