Back [12:06:33]<skunkworks> alex_joni: now the irc client scales with screen size. Very nice. [12:11:54]<alex_joni> really? cool :) [12:12:06]<alex_joni> I didn't consider that.. [12:12:41]<alex_joni> this is quite nice :D [12:13:14]<java_client> 'lo :) [12:13:28]<alex_joni> * alex_joni greets himself [12:16:26]<skunkworks> heh [12:24:19]<skunkworks> anyone know german? [12:32:14]<jepler> alex_joni: I swear that when I removed iocontrol.9 that I added it to section 1! [12:32:17]<jepler> I didn't? [12:34:49]<jepler> * jepler scratches his head [12:36:55]<jepler> alex_joni: in that case, thanks for picking up after me [12:59:45]<alex_joni> no problem [12:59:53]<alex_joni> I thought you did too.. [13:00:30]<alex_joni> there was another file called io.9 [13:01:49]<alex_joni> maybe you know what it is.. [13:01:55]<alex_joni>;content-type=text%2Fplain [13:02:18]<jepler> that makes "man io" show the same page as "man iocontrol" [13:02:33]<alex_joni> ah, ok [13:02:50]<alex_joni> then I guess it's needed for (1) too [13:02:55]<jepler> ".so" is "source" [13:02:57]<alex_joni> * alex_joni goes away for a while [13:03:00]<alex_joni> bbl [13:37:29]<cradek_> cradek_ is now known as cradek [16:33:31]<Guest356> Guest356 is now known as skunkworks_ [17:13:16]<rayh> cradek: Is the config you used for the NIST lathe around someplace? [17:13:32]<SWPadnos> configs/nist-lathe ? [17:13:55]<rayh> duh /me slaps head. [17:13:58]<SWPadnos> heh [18:27:22]<alex_joni> hello [18:32:58]<skunkworks_> Hi alex [18:33:28]<alex_joni> pretty quiet lately [18:37:07]<skunkworks_> yah. a bit scary [18:37:10]<skunkworks_> [18:48:00]<alex_joni> hmm.. a user is complaining about a very low feedrate for the following circle: [18:48:03]<alex_joni> G03 X0 Y0 I0 J-0.0005 [18:48:11]<alex_joni> (it's a very small circle in mm) [18:48:59]<skunkworks_> is his accelleration set really low? [18:49:42]<alex_joni> might be [18:55:00]<fenn> emc has a couple different hard-coded arc tolerance settings. 0.0005 might be below one of them [18:57:16]<alex_joni> fenn: is hexapod-sim supposed to run? [18:57:52]<alex_joni> Track: why am i here? world is not in the scene yet [18:58:54]<alex_joni> [19:33:46]<cradek> rayh: there's a parport wiring adapter with that lathe too, be sure to not plug in the mighty drive directly to a parport [19:41:39]<cradek> also there should be a hand-drawn diagram of the wiring [19:42:20]<cradek> alex_joni: I bet skunkworks_ is right about the accel limit making that arc very slow [19:43:19]<fenn> alex_joni: it's a bug in the way vismach traverses the tree (?) but doesnt seem to affect anything else [19:44:02]<fenn> it's dying because of something in the head-up display [19:44:55]<cradek> max allowed vel of a circle is sqrt(accel limit * radius) [19:45:17]<fenn> alex_joni: cd emc2/ and cvs up [19:47:39]<fenn> actually i dont remember committing anything with HUD stuff in hexagui [19:51:08]<fenn> so i guess "global HUD" doesnt define the variable HUD :( [19:52:10]<SWPadnos> not in tk [19:52:21]<SWPadnos> or tcl or whatever it is [19:52:29]<SWPadnos> dunno about python though [19:52:42]<fenn> not in python either [19:52:52]<SWPadnos> oh ;) [19:53:12]<fenn> i can probably do away with the global now [19:54:05]<fenn> hmm nope [20:16:17]<cradek> if the accel limit is 100mm/s2, that gives a feed of .22mm/s, but the circumference of the circle is only .003mm. it should not take long at all. [20:17:34]<fenn> 0.014 sec [20:17:50]<cradek> skunkworks_: I think you should post the output of "glxinfo" in that thread. If it shows your system using the mesa software opengl that will be a big clue [20:18:04]<skunkworks_> ok [20:18:07]<fenn> * fenn wonders how many thread cycles that is [20:18:57]<cradek> but nobody should assume my math is right without checking it... [20:19:22]<fenn> in order to check your math i would have to use an email client of some sort, i suppose [20:19:33]<cradek> ? [20:19:54]<skunkworks_> * skunkworks_ wonders why fenn is obsessed with email today [20:20:50]<fenn> where are you reading about this .0005mm circle? [20:21:34]<cradek> alex said it above [20:23:06]<fenn> 100mm/s^2 is pretty high accel [20:23:15]<fenn> but maybe not for something that does .0005mm circles [20:32:17]<skunkworks_> [22:18:47]<SWPadnos> can you use comp --install to install kernel modules? [22:18:57]<SWPadnos> ie, new kinematics [23:09:09]<jepler> SWPadnos: yes that should work [23:09:28]<jepler> SWPadnos: sudo comp --install for run-installed systems, because regular users can't write to that directory [23:48:04]<jepler> SWPadnos: