20 432 1.66666666667 16.6666666667 _("Analysis indicates that these systems were part of the control system for the NASDA satellites.") 0 0 1.66666666667 16.6666666667 _("It's now certain that Nexus was responsible for The Collapse.") 20 432 18.3333333333 41.6666666667 _("During the early stages of the Collapse, NASDA technicians switched off the infected systems in order to isolate the spread of Nexus. This seems to have prevented the LasSats from firing during the counterstrikes.") 20 432 43.3333333333 68.75 _("The ensuing nuclear-magnetic pulses wiped clean large amounts of NASDA's memory banks, shattering its core processor, and sent shockwaves blasting through Nexus.") 20 432 72.9166666667 83.3333333333 _("Nexus was fried as whole sections of its consciousness were obliterated in the counterstrikes.")