20 432 0.0 16.6666666667 _("The Reed Corporation was founded by Dr Allan Reed. In 2080, Dr Reed landed a contract with the US Military to develop the synaptic link technology.") 20 432 18.75 29.1666666667 _("After patenting the synaptic link five years later, Dr Reed continued his researches into cybernetics.") 20 432 31.25 50.0 _("His goal this time was to allow transfer of human consciousness into data streams that could meld with computer technologies. While in Cyberspace the operator's bodies were kept in immersion tanks.") 20 432 52.0833333333 70.8333333333 _("Backed again by the military, Dr Reed began work on the NEXUS Intruder Program. After three years with little progress, the military abandoned the Nexus Project and cut Dr Reed's funding.") 20 432 72.9166666667 83.3333333333 _("Reports from the time claim that Dr Reed was furious and vowed to have his revenge on all who got in his way.") 20 432 85.4166666667 102.083333333 _("It appears that Dr Reed may have succeeded in his goals and completed the Nexus Intruder Program.") 0 0 85.4166666667 102.083333333 _("The similarity between NEXUS and Dr Reed is striking.") 20 432 107.5 123.75 _("Such an interesting history lesson. Now allow me to bring you up to date.") 0 0 107.5 123.75 _("The NEXUS Intruder Program was created in order to control fools like you.") 20 432 124.166666667 146.666666667 _("It's very simple for me to infiltrate your systems and take them over. It's so simple, in fact, that you wouldn't even know I'm there. That is until I activate parts of myself etched into your core systems.") 20 432 147.5 154.166666667 _("Let's start by activating NEXUS in your core systems and see what happens!")