/* Campaign 1 Mission Briefing text */ CAM1_MSG1 _("OBJECTIVE: Locate and recover neural synapse technology") CAM1_MSG2 _("Establish a base, then search for a Pre-Collapse structure.") CAM1_MSG3 _("This structure contains technology vital for the success of the Project.") CAM1A_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: Scavenger Raiders") CAM1A_MSG2 _("Scavenger raiders are approaching our base.") CAM1A_MSG3 _("Defend the base then destroy the Scavenger camps.") CAM1B_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: Power Surge Detected") CAM1B_MSG2 _("A power surge has been detected to the south of our position.") CAM1B_MSG3 _("Investigate and secure the area.") CAM1C_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: The New Paradigm") CAM1C_MSG2 _("The New Paradigm control superior weapons technology.") CAM1C_MSG3 _("They may have the synaptic link technology, it's vital we retrieve it.") SUB1_1_MSG1 _("TRANSPORT MISSION: Locate and Recover Artifacts") SUB1_1_MSG2 _("Load an attack force into the transport.") SUB1_1_MSG3 _("On landing, explore the ruins and recover any artifacts.") SUB1_2_MSG1 _("TRANSPORT MISSION: Investigate Research Center") SUB1_2_MSG2 _("Investigate the area and recover any artifacts present.") SUB1_2_MSG3 _("Reinforcements are available.") SUB1_3_MSG1 _("TRANSPORT MISSION: Encoded Signals Detected") SUB1_3_MSG2 _("Take a scout force to investigate these signals.") SUB1_3_MSG3 _("Use your trucks to build defenses at your LZ.") SUB1_4A_MSG1 _("TRANSPORT MISSION: Enemy Transmissions Detected") SUB1_4A_MSG2 _("Scout the designated area for enemy research facilities.") SUB1_4A_MSG3 _("Proceed to LZ#2. Do not engage the enemy at this time.") SUB1_5_MSG1 _("TRANSPORT MISSION: Synaptic Link Location") SUB1_5_MSG2 _("The New Paradigm are analyzing synaptic link technology at this location.") SUB1_5_MSG3 _("Assemble an attack team and recover the synaptic link technology.") SUB1_7_MSG1 _("TRANSPORT MISSION: New Objectives") SUB1_7_MSG2 _("New Paradigm are searching for artifacts in this vicinity.") SUB1_7_MSG3 _("Intercept them. Do not let any enemies exit this area.") SUB1_8_MSG1 _("TRANSPORT MISSION: Enemy Base Under Construction") SUB1_8_MSG2 _("Enemy forces are establishing a forward base at this location.") SUB1_8_MSG3 _("Eradicate the base and secure the area.") /* Campaign Mission briefing additional */ CAM1CA_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: Establish a Forward Base") CAM1CA_MSG2 _("Establish a forward base on the plateau.") CAM1CA_MSG3 _("Build defensive structures.") CAM1A-C_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: Counter Attack") CAM1A-C_MSG2 _("Enemy forces are approaching from the east and north.") CAM1A-C_MSG3 _("Hold the bases and repulse any attacks.") CAM1D_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: Incoming Transmission") CAM1D_MSG2 _("We are detecting enemy forces at these locations.") CAM1D_MSG3 _("This is our chance to defeat the New Paradigm and destroy their base.") /* New Paradigm - incoming transmission */ NP_MSG2 _(" ") /* Cam 1B Player Ident Congrats */ P1B_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: Power Surge Detected") P1B_MSG2 _("Congratulations Commander.") P1B_MSG3 _("We now have a further task for you.") /* Cam 1.1 Player Ident Congrats */ P1-1_MSG1 _("ALPHA BASE MISSION: Locate and Recover Artifacts") P1-1_MSG2 _("The first two zones are now secure.") P1-1_MSG3 _(" ") /* Project Team updates */ P1-3A_MSG1 _("PROJECT TEAM UPDATES") /* Team Beta update */ BETA1_MSG1 _("TEAM BETA UPDATE") BETA1_MSG2 _("We have recovered some artifacts.") BETA1_MSG3 _("There is a better equipped force operating in this area.") /* Team Gamma update */ GAMMA_MSG1 _("TEAM GAMMA UPDATE") GAMMA_MSG2 _("Nothing to report.") GAMMA_MSG3 _("We've discovered no artifacts and encountered no hostiles.") /* Map1c mission brief - intelligence report */ CAM1C_MSG4 _("ALPHA BASE INTELLIGENCE REPORT: Enemy Attack") CAM1C_MSG5 _("We are detecting an enemy attack force at this location.") CAM1C_MSG6 _(" ") /* Map1c project update - enemy attack */ CAM1C_MSG7 _("PRIMARY OBJECTIVE") CAM1C_MSG8 _("This structure is your primary objective.") CAM1C_MSG9 _("Search for and recover any artifacts here.") CAM1C_MSG10 _("ENEMY LZ") CAM1C_MSG11 _("Destroy this LZ to prevent enemy landings.") /* Sub 1.7 Player ident New objectives */ SUB1_7_MSG4 _("ALPHA BASE INTELLIGENCE REPORT: NEXUS") SUB1_7_MSG5 _("New objective.") SUB1_7_MSG6 _("We have detected and isolated an intruder program.") /* Reinforcements available message for 1.4 (now in GenStrings!)*/ /* Map1ca Player ident supplemental */ SUP_MSG1 _("Supplemental") SUP_MSG2 _("The synaptic link technology was at this location but was removed.") /*SUP_MSG2 _("The synaptic link technology was present at this structure.")*/ SUP_MSG3 _("Establish a forward base then continue the search for the synaptic link.") /* Submap1_4 Player ident */ SUB1_4A_MSG4 _("INCOMING TRANSMISSION") SUB1_4A_MSG5 _("Decoding in progress.....") SUB1_4A_MSG6 _(" ") /* Submap 1_4b - Destroy Enemy Base */ SUB1_4B_MSG2 _("Commander.") SUB1_4B_MSG3 _("We have decoded the incoming message to the New Paradigm...") /* Submap 1_4b - Player Ident - Destroy Enemy Base */ SUB1_4B_MSG4 _("Destroy Enemy Base") SUB1_4B_MSG5 _("Assemble an attack force and board the transport.") SUB1_4B_MSG6 _("Destroy the base and recover any artifacts present.") /* Map1a-c - Player Ident */ CAM1A-C_MSG5 _("The synaptic link technology has been recovered!") CAM1A-C_MSG6 _("Initial research confirms it will be of great benefit to the Project.") /* Submap 1_8 - Player Ident */ SUB1_8_MSG4 _("Base Beta is under heavy attack, they may need assistance.") SUB1_8_MSG5 _("We will send further updates as they arrive.") /* Cam1d Player ident */ CAM1D_MSG4 _("This transmission was intercepted a few minutes ago.") CAM1D_MSG5 _("It originates from the east.") /* Cam1b2 power generator */ CAM1_B2_MSG _("POWER MODULE ARTIFACT") CAM1_B2_MSG2 _("Research the power module artifact.") CAM1_B2_MSG3 _("Then use a truck to upgrade your power generator with the module.") /* sub1_2 scavenger base part2 */ SUB1_2_MSG4 _("SCAVENGER BASE DETECTED") SUB1_2_MSG5 _("Defeat the scavengers and retrieve any artifacts.") SUB1_2_MSG6 _("Reinforcements are available.") /* Campaign 1 outro */ CAM1OUT_MSG1 _("Congratulations on defeating the New Paradigm, this sector is now secure.") CAM1OUT_MSG2 _("The Nexus Intruder Program was in the New Paradigm system.") CAM1OUT_MSG3 _("We recorded two conversations with it, extracts follow...") CAM1OUT_MSG4 _(" ") CAM1OUT_MSG5 _("We'll keep you informed of further developments") CAM1OUT_MSG6 _("Commander you are to assist Team Beta")