20 432 0.0 10.4166666667 _("NASDA is the North American Strategic Defense Agency.") 20 432 12.5 36.25 _("NASDA was formed in 2076 to defend North America from conventional and nuclear attack. The construction of a satellite defense system began in 2081 and was completed in 2082.") 20 432 37.5 49.1666666667 _("In 2085 the NASDA satellites fired their nukes at Earth.") 20 432 52.9166666667 66.6666666667 _("There were also ground-based sites. Many of these were destroyed in the nuclear counterstrikes, but there's bound to be some out there.") 20 432 68.75 83.3333333333 _("The NASDA satellites also contained pulse-lasers designed to shoot down missiles approaching North America.") 20 432 85.8333333333 106.25 _("During the counterstrikes, these LasSats failed to fire. If brought into operation, these LasSats could inflict major damage on ground targets.") 20 432 108.333333333 118.333333333 _("All nukes targeted at North America found their targets.") 20 447 119.166666667 141.666666667 _("We know that Nexus is searching for NASDA Central in the Eastern Sector. This was one of the land-based control centres for the satellites.") 20 453 142.5 147.083333333 _("If the centre is found intact, NEXUS may gain control of the satellites.") 20 432 148.333333333 154.166666667 _("Nexus claimed that it had already destroyed the world.")