1. Introduction

The Live CD is the preferred way to install EMC. Compliling from source is not normally needed. See the Getting Started Manual for infomation on getting and installing EMC.

The third hurdle that you face when you begin to set up EMC from scratch is getting and installing the EMC2 software itself. All of EMC2 has been placed on git.linuxcnc.org. EMC2 is also available as a precompiled package (for various platforms) for download from that site.

2. EMC Download Page

You will find the most recent releases of EMC2 announced on www.linuxcnc.org. The releases of EMC2 will be done in two ways (sources and binary package). The sources (described furtheron) consist of a tarball (emc2-version.tar.gz), which you should download and unpack into your home directory.

3. EMC2 Release Description

EMC2 will be using a release model similar to (but simpler than) the one used by Debian. At any one time there will be three versions of EMC2. Debian uses "stable", "testing", and "unstable". We will be using "Released", "Testing", and "Head". For the latest information, click on the version you are interested in.

Released is exactly that, a released version of EMC2 with a version number. It is tested by both developers and beta users before being released, and is suitable for the average user. Most developers and IRC/mailing list regulars are able to help support people running a released version. "Released" is available in several forms, including .debs for Ubuntu and source tarballs for local compilation. There will be a debian repository which will always have the latest released version (and thus allows for easy upgrades from one stable release to the next).

Testing is a version of EMC2 that is ready for "beta testing" but not for general release. Before a version is labeled testing it will be known to compile and run on several different platforms, but there will probably be various limitations and known problems. The Testing wiki page will attempt to list known problems and workarounds, but there will probably also be undiscovered bugs. Since Testing is "beta" software, it should not be used for anything critical. Users of Testing need to understand that it is beta software, and must be willing to give detailed bug reports if things go wrong. Testing is available primarily as a tag in git, although for convenience of testers, a "testing" debian repository and/or tarballs may also be available. The EMC Board of Directors will decide when "Testing" is worthy of becoming "Released". This is a formal decision, made by motion and voting on the board mailing list or board IRC channel.

master is a term for where all the primary development takes place. TRUNK can be broken at any time. When TRUNK reaches a state that is deemed worthy of testing by a larger number of people, the "Testing" tag will be moved. This is an informal decision, made by concensus of lead developers, usually on IRC. Development will immediately continue, and TRUNK will once again diverge from Testing. TRUNK has no "version number", and on a busy weekend it can literally change every 10 minutes.

4. Download and source preparation.

The following few section will describe how to get EMC2, and compile it.

To download, simply go to www.linuxcnc.org to the Download page, and get the latest release or testing tarball.

Once you have it, extract it to your home folder:

$ cd ~/ +
$ tar xzvf emc2-version.tar.gz

Next you’ll need to decide what kind of install you want. There are two ways to try EMC2 out:


Like most other software on Linux, the files are placed in system directories, and is automatically available to all users of that computer.
[The pre-built packages for Ubuntu Linux use the “installed” method ]


All the files for EMC2 are kept inside the emc2 directory. This is useful for trying out EMC2, especially when there is another version of EMC2 already installed on the system.

4.1. Downloading the development version

If you wish to use the development version of emc2, please follow the instructions on our wiki to obtain the source code: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?Git

5. Installed

EMC2 followes the standard way of compiling linux software. To compile it simply go to the sources folder:

$ cd ~/emc2/src

and issue these commands:

$ ./configure +
$ make && sudo make install

To run it simply type emc.

6. Run-in-place

If you want only to test the software before installing it, or if you’re worried about overwriting an existing installation, there is a Run-In-Place (RIP) mode which you can try out. In this mode, there is no installation step, and no files are placed outside the top directory , ~/emc2 in this example.

$ cd ~/emc2/src

and issue these commands:

$ ./configure --enable-run-in-place +
$ make && sudo make setuid

In a shell session where you want to use the run-in-place version of emc
[By putting this command in a shell start-up script, such as ~/.bash_profile, you do not need to manually run it in each terminal window. ]
, execute

$ . ~/emc2/scripts/emc-environment

Until you close that terminal, it will be set up so that the programs and manual pages from the Run-In-Place directory are available without referring to the path each time. After that you can run EMC2 by issuing:

$ emc

7. Simulator

To install EMC2 on a system without a realtime kernel, add --enable-simulator to the configure commandline. In this mode, EMC2 runs as a purely userspace program. No hardware can be controlled and realtime scheduling is not guaranteed, but the other features of HAL, EMC and its various user interfaces are available. When using --enable-run-in-place, the sudo make setuid step is unneeded.

8. Editing and Recompiling

You may need to recompile the EMC2 code for a number of reasons. You may have modified the source code, or you may have downloaded just a few new files. To recompile, do the following:

$ cd ~/emc2/src +
$ make && sudo make install # for run-installed +
$ make && sudo make setuid  # for run-in-place +
$ make                      # for run-in-place, simulator

The build process is smart enough to only rebuild things that are affected by your changes.