After you install EMC2 several sample files are placed in the /nc_files folder. Make sure the sample file is appropriate for your machine before running.
1. Mill Examples
1.1. Helical Hole Milling
File Name: useful-subroutines.ngc
Description: Subroutine for milling a hole using parameters.
1.2. Slotting
File Name: useful-subroutines.ngc
Decription: Subroutine for milling a slot using parameters.
1.3. Grid Probe
File Name: gridprobe.ngc
Description: Rectangular Probing
This program repeatedly probes in a regular XY grid and writes the probed location to the file probe-results.txt in the same directory as the .ini file.
1.4. Smart Probe
File Name: smartprobe.ngc
Description: Rectangular Probing
This program repeatedly probes in a regular XY grid and writes the probed location to the file probe-results.txt in the same directory as the .ini file. This is improved from the grid probe file.
1.5. Tool Length Probe
File Name: tool-lenght-probe.ngc
Description: Tool Length Probing
This program shows an example of how to measure tool lengths automatically using a switch hooked to the probe input. This is useful for machines without tool holders, where the length of a tool is different every time it is inserted.
1.6. Hole Probe
File Name: probe-hole.ngc
Description: Finding the Center and Diameter of a hole.
The program demonstrates how to find the center of a hole, measure the hole diameter and record the results.
1.7. Cutter Compensation
To be added
2. Lathe Examples
2.1. Threading
File Name lathe-g76.ngc
Description: Facing, threading and parting off.
This file shows an example of threading on a lathe using parameters.