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[15:31:30] <cradek> it reproduces with sam's gcode and settings of 211 and 600
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[15:37:42] <seb_kuzminsky> i would not be surprisd if 0.1mm arcs are not widely tested
[15:39:39] <cradek> doesn't look like garbage-in (the task issue looks plausible)
[15:40:34] <cradek> the three arcs on lines 5/6/7 have exactly the same center point
[15:40:42] <cradek> and no Z component
[15:41:51] -!- Roguish [Roguish!~chatzilla@c-50-143-183-159.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[15:41:59] <cradek> so they are tangent
[15:42:26] <cradek> I'm surprised they get slightly different inimaxvels (the vel you can FO up to)
[15:42:28] * skunkworks gets some popcorn...
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[15:52:26] <skunkworks> Hmm - I am running master and the first run of my gcode is faster than the second..
[15:52:50] <skunkworks> and I don't get the error the first run
[15:53:04] <skunkworks> I do set the feedrate at the top.
[15:53:07] <jepler> CaptHindsight: yes that's the one
[15:53:33] <cradek> I get different errors on the first and second runs
[15:55:17] <cradek> term2 and term3 change, which I guess means maxaccel changes
[15:57:11] <PCW> Sebastian, I'm afraid implementing mDNS would more than quadruple the code size
[15:58:45] -!- shaun413 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:59:09] <skunkworks> for me - when you first run the program it goes to the G1 postion (x54.834y-52.151) at shuttle instead of F1200. The second run - the move from 0,0 is at the expected 1200mm/m
[16:01:18] <skunkworks> I moved the Fword down to the G1 line and it is fine. I think it is confused as to what it should do first - G21 or F1200. I think the first time it runs it runs 1200in/s^2
[16:01:33] <skunkworks> (I am running an english config)
[16:01:54] <cradek> iirc by ngc spec, f1200 runs before the g21
[16:02:00] <cradek> weird but not a bug
[16:02:03] <skunkworks> well - that makes sense.
[16:02:13] <skunkworks> so - never mind. :)
[16:02:28] <cradek> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/overview.html#sec:Order-of-Execution
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[16:05:02] <cradek> ah this little move is a "split cycle"
[16:05:19] <cradek> something about it taking less than a servo cycle to run at speed, so [something magic happens]
[16:05:23] <cradek> this might be above my pay grade
[16:07:05] <cradek> er maybe not, it's .000682 long which is way more than TP_POS_EPSILON
[16:07:37] <skunkworks> I do get it with 15in/s^2
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[16:09:09] <skunkworks> hmm - I get it all the time now. I don't think it is acc dependant. Don
[16:09:22] <skunkworks> Don't know what I was doing before. I got it at 30in/s^2
[16:09:46] <skunkworks> but if my program wasn't running 'correctly' the first time - I might not have seen it.
[16:10:37] <skunkworks> cradek, I know he as fixed similar errors before - maybe git history?
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[16:36:00] <cradek> well I'm not understanding the split cycle stuff, but I think this bug points right at that
[16:36:06] <cradek> maybe after lunch it'll make more sense
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[16:58:34] -!- rogge [rogge!~rogge@h69-11-175-242.waunwi.dedicated.static.tds.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[17:08:06] <seb_kuzminsky> hi rogge
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[17:14:26] <rogge> hi seb!
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[17:14:37] <rogge> I'll be in and out..
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[17:15:20] <seb_kuzminsky> sure, me too
[17:15:57] <skunkworks> rogge, - the first time you run the gcode program in an english config (I know pathpilot might be a little different) it runs the first segment at 1200ipm (because the G21 and F1200 are on the same line) and I don't get the error. The second time you run it - it is in metric units and runs the first segment at 1200mm/m and I do get the error.
[17:15:59] <rogge> Did some digging and looks like your tp.c is newer than ours, but the section that does vel calcs for trap profiles (from which the error comes) looks identical
[17:16:18] <rogge> ooohh - I'll try that.
[17:17:48] <skunkworks> (it would be better to put f1200 on the G1 line.. :) )
[17:17:59] <rogge> Sam - no dice - I'm in G21 as soon as I start up, because I shut down in g21 last time
[17:18:06] <rogge> Still not seeing it.
[17:18:17] <skunkworks> hmm - odd.
[17:18:41] <skunkworks> hold on. I wonder if it is your velocity cap - tormachs run at 120ipm max per axis?
[17:19:27] <rogge> I changed my sim config to 23 IPS based on your 600mm/s
[17:19:41] <skunkworks> oh. crap
[17:20:18] <rogge> behaves differently after I use a G64 command. Tryin to go back to g61 and it's still OK.
[17:20:35] <skunkworks> just do strait G64
[17:20:45] <skunkworks> (no p or q)
[17:22:22] <rogge> yeah - no issue after G64 (no p)
[17:23:59] <skunkworks> rogge, do you know if path pilot defaults to some P or Q? (difference from linuxcnc prime?)
[17:24:21] <rogge> That slowdown I reported over email was a red herring - it's just that there's a corrdinated Z move on that line that takes a while to complete.
[17:25:09] <rogge> So ignore that 'behaves differently' report - it pretty much just works for me
[17:26:01] <rogge> There is a default P for G64 in PP - I think it's .005 or .001. But there's no G64 in the code or in my startup code in the sim ini file.
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[17:28:17] <skunkworks> can you turn it off? or is it hard coded. I wonder if that is why your not seeing it.
[17:30:06] <rogge> G61 turns G64 off, but then there's no blending, and no calcs to yeild the error.
[17:30:59] <skunkworks> right
[17:31:43] <rogge> I'll build 2.7 and try it under axis sim just to make sure I can see it at all...
[17:33:40] <rogge> Seb - did Rob ever talk to you about state tags?
[17:35:32] <cradek> rogge: http://timeguy.com/gitweb?p=linuxcnc.git;a=log;h=refs/heads/bug424
[17:35:54] <cradek> rogge: you can pull branch bug424 to get my config changes etc
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[17:40:43] <skunkworks> my trouble shooting is getting bad. Right now I can only get it to happen on the first run. not the second and subsiquent
[17:40:50] <skunkworks> I don't know what I changed
[17:41:12] <rogge> which config do I run?
[17:41:58] <rogge> Sam - the first run includes a Z move (out of plane blend). Subsequent ones do not. Can you move to that Z level immediately on startup, then run the code?
[17:42:43] <skunkworks> I tried that - but let me try it again..
[17:43:12] <rogge> cradek: nevermind - I see it's sim axis mm
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[17:46:09] <rogge> Sam: I just tried my suggestion to you on cradek's test branch and it didn't change anything.
[17:46:20] <rogge> Only get the error the first time through
[17:46:23] <skunkworks> your seeing the error?
[17:47:22] <skunkworks> I will pull chris's branch so we are on the same page
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[17:51:07] <cradek> I get different negative value on first vs subsequent runs
[17:52:02] <skunkworks> ok. then if my config isn't the same as yours - I might not get it on the second run.
[17:52:11] <skunkworks> seems odd they would be different though
[17:53:10] <rogge> Yes - I see the error on Chris' branch. If I G0X0Y0Z0 after running the code I can get it to happen every time.
[17:53:17] <cradek> http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/234/765/b7e.jpg
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[17:54:02] <skunkworks> cradek, but you wrote a trajectory planner! ;)
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[18:09:22] <rogge> shorter snippet of code that reproduces the problem is here: http://codetidy.com/6723/
[18:10:16] <cradek> thanks, I pushed it to bug424 branch
[18:11:11] <cradek> interestingly, now I get the same error each run
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[18:16:01] <cradek> http://timeguy.com/cradek-files/emc/bug424-accelviolation.png
[18:16:21] <cradek> I do also see the accel violation, for a couple servo cycles
[18:18:28] <cradek> image updated to show that it's the blend between lines 5 and 6
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[18:27:38] <skunkworks> it is no worse than what I see with mach... ;)
[18:28:10] <cradek> heh, well we could just disable the error message then and call it good
[18:28:41] <skunkworks> actually it is much better - you said a couple servo cycles - Mach is 60+ servo cycles..
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[18:52:53] <jthornton> Tom_itx, typo in the link, it's fixed but here is the correct url http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.7/html/getting-started/Updating_LinuxCNC.html
[18:53:33] <Tom_itx> jthornton, someone was just looking to update to 2.7 this am and i linked it to them but it failed. no biggie
[18:53:55] <jthornton> thanks for the report
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[18:54:31] <jthornton> the file names are a mix match of humpy and file-name.txt and file_name.txt
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[19:06:14] <Roguish> Tom_itx: hey I was on yesterday (different handle) asking about the -16 vs. -25 of the mesa 7i80. I spoke with PWC on the phone and he said the -16 will do whatever is need in regards to Linuxcnc.
[19:07:29] <Roguish> anyway, the -16 was the one. thanks for the help yesterday.
[19:09:05] <Tom_itx> i figured it would
[19:09:51] <Roguish> going to help a friend setup a 2 spindle wood router.
[19:10:49] <Tom_itx> i've got a 7i90 with a -16 and have had no configuration issues but i'm not using servos
[19:11:58] <PCW> the 7I90 is -9 (XC6SLX9) still big for a lot of things
[19:12:26] <Tom_itx> PCW, happen to ship mine yet?
[19:12:33] <Tom_itx> anxious to get it back up n runnin
[19:12:52] <PCW> 7I47S?
[19:12:55] <Tom_itx> yeah
[19:13:58] <PCW> Not yet I'm making critical kits now, will fulfill orders tomorrow
[19:14:14] <Tom_itx> np
[19:16:58] <Tom_itx> it probably wouldn't be worth replacing the chips on the other one
[19:17:50] <PCW> not if you value your time or are a very fast re-worker
[19:18:25] <PCW> unless you are a fast re-worker mean
[19:18:28] <Tom_itx> i usually do those things while sitting here chatting
[19:18:52] -!- uschxc has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:19:28] <Tom_itx> if you wanna send what you think may have gone out i'll gladly reimburse you for them
[19:19:35] <Tom_itx> if not, it's no biggie
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[19:21:54] <PCW> the 422 receivers are probably OK (3.3V local reg) so probably just the ACT04 and the RS-422 drivers
[19:22:00] <Tom_itx> i haven't had a chance to look at it
[19:22:26] -!- tchaddad has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:23:00] <Tom_itx> what about the 3.3v reg?
[19:23:14] <Tom_itx> or does it get power from something else
[19:23:22] <PCW> I had forgotten that there was a local 3.3V regulator for the RS-422 RX
[19:23:35] <PCW> so maybe only 3 chips killed
[19:23:48] <Tom_itx> you think the adc is ok?
[19:23:56] <Tom_itx> err analog switch
[19:24:21] <Tom_itx> it was on a separate 10v supply
[19:24:57] <PCW> Yeah its probably OK
[19:25:24] -!- ve7it [ve7it!~LawrenceG@S01060014d19d0b68.pk.shawcable.net] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[19:25:37] <PCW> (though the ACT04 the drives the OPTOs for PWM/DIR/ENA is probably toast)
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[19:26:05] <Tom_itx> yeah i was getting no pwm
[19:30:03] <cmorley> mozmck: That looks very good. Are you using a custom GTK theme? I like the light buttons.
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[19:30:58] <mozmck> cmorley: hi, and thanks! Yes, we customized the Blue-Joy theme
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[19:31:35] <mozmck> I think I have the light buttons to a useable state now I wonder if they might could go in 2.7?
[19:31:43] <cmorley> yes i find it eye pleasing color. i also like the icon button from gremlin display
[19:32:32] <cmorley> Ii would think it's possible but ask Seb...
[19:32:41] <mozmck> oh, on the side? I have some hidden for our plasma setup, but there are more.
[19:33:21] <mozmck> This is based on Gscreen but I've modified it a bit in the handler file to do some things like we wanted.
[19:33:40] <cmorley> I had thought about LEDs with text in them - I bet your light buttons work similar
[19:34:08] <mozmck> Yes, basically. They are a new widget though.
[19:34:41] <cmorley> Yes i saw gscreen on the window title. - Your screen is an example of what i hoped Gscreen would be useful for.
[19:35:53] <cmorley> I have slowly been working on a new lathe screen that uses gobject signals more so that it uses cpu less but not sure when I'll finish it.
[19:36:42] <mozmck> That sounds interesting - what are the signals replacing?
[19:37:12] <cmorley> i found trying to figure out GTK themes difficult well frustrating
[19:37:27] <mozmck> I would like to remove the "Gscreen" and "for linuxcnc" from the title bar though, and just have the profile name - is there a way to do that?
[19:37:45] <cmorley> yes - hold on i'll find the command
[19:37:50] <mozmck> yes, one problem with themes is that there are many ways to do things.
[19:38:11] <mozmck> But I figured out quite a bit.
[19:39:03] <cmorley> self.widgets.window1.set_title("%s for linuxcnc"% title)
[19:39:21] <cmorley> add something like that to your handler file
[19:39:58] <cmorley> yes themes are not documented very well and there are alot of different ones
[19:41:55] <mozmck> Thanks
[19:41:56] <cmorley> the gobject work is alot about sending messages to the gui about modes rather then having the gui poll modes all the time.
[19:42:03] <cmorley> you bet
[19:42:32] <mozmck> The good thing is that there are a lot of themes :) Plenty to look at and figure out how to change things.
[19:42:57] <mozmck> I see.
[19:43:08] <cmorley> gscreen polls linuxcnc and stores it in data. ultimately I would like to not do that.
[19:43:35] <mozmck> Yes, have linuxcnc send events or signals makes sense.
[19:43:46] <cmorley> it works very well
[19:44:22] <mozmck> So are you adding gobject signal to linuxcnc, or is it all in the gui?
[19:45:37] <cmorley> I add the signals to hal_glib.py and use gladevcp's status to connect to them
[19:46:04] <mozmck> I see.
[19:46:36] <mozmck> The more I use gtk the less I like it :( python eases the pain some though
[19:46:45] <cmorley> for instance all the overrides are checked and a message is sent out if they change so the gui can update the screen
[19:47:36] <cmorley> GTK is all i know - i dabbled with QT in python it was good too just different
[19:49:18] <mozmck> I haven't used QT yet but I'd like to play with it. I really like C++ for UI work compared to C. I've used some wxWidgets and MSVC gui stuff.
[19:49:47] <mozmck> FLTK is what I use for most smaller projects.
[19:49:55] <cmorley> working with guis and compiling does sound fun
[19:50:01] <cmorley> does not
[19:50:47] <cmorley> fltk 'll have to look at that
[19:51:12] <mozmck> It's c++ too, but fairly basic, and really small and fast.
[19:51:17] <cmorley> easy to use but not as pretty?
[19:51:58] <mozmck> Probably not as pretty, but you can change the look and make it look pretty nice.
[19:52:46] <cmorley> I see.
[19:53:00] <cmorley> k i gotta go - nice job there!
[19:53:20] <mozmck> thanks! nice job on Gscreen!
[19:53:40] <cmorley> glad it's working for you - it was alot of work :)
[19:53:48] <mozmck> I can tell
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[20:34:31] <skunksleep> zlog
[20:34:31] <zlog> skunksleep: Log stored at http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23linuxcnc-devel/2015-06-30.html
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[21:11:00] <JT-Shop> I like python but gtk is getting buggy
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[21:25:02] <jthornton> just trying to use internal links as shown here http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/userguide.html#_section_ids
[21:25:47] <jthornton> If you have both an external link and a link in the same page they conflict and depending on where you put the anchor you might get one or the other to work
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[22:25:28] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Jeff Epler 052.7 6df518d 06linuxcnc 10docs/man/man9/hm2_eth.9 10src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/hm2_eth.c hm2_eth: do iptables and sysctl configuration automatically * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=6df518d
[22:25:28] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Jeff Epler 052.7 75c8519 06linuxcnc 10debian/configure deb: depend on iptables for hm2_eth * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=75c8519
[22:26:04] <seb_kuzminsky> yay!
[22:26:19] <jepler> yay
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[23:20:56] <skunkworks> wow - cool
[23:34:48] <PCW> its great to automate the iptables part of the setup
[23:35:01] -!- Akex_ has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[23:41:55] <jepler> hopefully I got it right :)
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